Translation, there’s an app for that

Not all apps are created equal. If ever there was proof of such a statement, then the FlashSticks App is it.

Picture this: you’re in a foreign country, your ‘fluent’ language skills currently extend to ‘hello’, ‘thank you’ and what you hope is the correct word for ‘goodbye’, but you’re in desperate need of a coffee. We’ve all been there: where your pronunciation is so bad, you end up using so many hand gestures that make you look like you’re playing charades.

One of the joys of travelling is experiencing different cultures – the world would be a very boring place if we all looked and sounded the same. But communicating across different languages can be a real struggle. Have you ever wished you could just point your phone at an item and have it say the correct word in the current language for you?

Well wish no more. The FlashSticks App includes the world’s first object translator that works exactly as you’d expect it to. Simply point your phone at any object around you and the app will scan said object and tell you the translation. It even gives you an option to play the correct translation as audio and save the scan for later.

If that isn’t impressive we don’t know what is!

Available for free download from the Apple App Store and Google play.

Find out more at FlashSticks.

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A regular travel contributor to YourLifeChoices, SJ’s required holiday reading is Collective magazine, a great new fiction novel or a personal development book. Unlike photos, you can never be over developed.

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