Where to find men Down Under

The population’s growing longevity – thanks to the marvels of medicine – has an extra bonus for Aussie ladies … they can hang onto their men for longer!

Oh, okay, stop groaning, sisters! But you have to know that some of us singles actually wouldn’t mind partnering up. The problem is, we don’t know where all the eligible men are.

For starters, the statistics are against us. There are more women for every man in Australia. In fact, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported that in 2017 there were 193,000 more females than males, and the older we get, the tougher the competition becomes as our dear fellows drop off and the ratio narrows.

And if you are thinking of meeting Mr Right on a tour, forget it. The majority of the men travelling that way are already in a couple.

However, you can increase your chances of a hook-up depending on which parts of Australia you travel to. Darwin, for instance, is notorious for being home to more blokes than sheilas.

The ABS says there are 111 fellas for every 100 lasses in the top end. But the Adelaide ladies luck out with just 96.7 men for every 100 women. Gosh, I reckon even the 0.7 of a man in that statistic wouldn’t want for female attention.

Going on the last census of the Australian population, the ABS has identified a handful of suburbs and regions where men outnumber women, and no surprises for guessing that they tend to be mining towns. And it lists those places where the women will have to battle it out with each other to snare a man. See below.

If you are willing to venture overseas in search of your ‘foreign affair’, check out the cities that Traveller recommends you visit to boost your chances.

So there you have it, ladies. If you want to increase your odds of pairing up, you now know which locations to head to and which ones to ditch. Good luck!

Would you travel for love? Have you ever had a long-distance relationship, and if so, did it work?

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