Which card do you qualify for?

Bernadette is over pension age but still working and wants to know what concession cards she may be eligible for.


Q. Bernadette
I am 67 and am only working six hours a day because I can’t get a pension as my partner works. He is 11 years my junior and won’t be retiring for quite some time. Though we are partners, we still keep our will and finances separate as we both have two non-dependent children from previous marriages. I have worked and paid taxes all my life and find it very unfair not to be able to receive a pension card or health card. I am unable to get any discounts that a pensioner with a card can get. Am I entitled to anything at all?

A. As you are over the pension age and not eligible for a payment from Services Australia, you may still be eligible for a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.

You still need to meet the income test to get a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, which for couples means that you must not earn more than $89,290 a year.

Holders of a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card are entitled to discounts on prescription medicines through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

You may also qualify for additional health, household, transport, education and recreation concessions that may be offered by state or territory and local governments and private providers.

If you and your partner are over the income limit for a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, you may still be eligible for a Seniors Card.

A Seniors Card is issued by state and territory governments and is available to those aged 60 and over who no longer work full-time.

However, eligibility varies depending on the state or territory in which you reside, as do the concessions available to you, so it’s worth checking if you qualify.

Concessions are provided by government agencies and private businesses.

The main benefit is that Seniors Card holders are entitled to travel concessions in their home state and territory, as well as interstate.

You can read more about Seniors Card eligibility in your state and territory here.

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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.


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