Arnott’s reworks two classics with a low-sugar recipe

Arnott’s is trying to win us over with healthier biscuits.

The company this week re-released its classic Australian favourites, Scotch Finger Biscuits and Shortbread Creams, in 50 per cent less sugar varieties.

Arnott’s marketing manager, Pauline Mercier, told said the new lines were in response to customer demand.

“We’ve been listening to what consumers are asking for. One of the ongoing requests is for Arnott’s to offer more options that suit their specific dietary needs,” Ms Mercier says.

The company uses sugar substitutes such as monk fruit extract to replace the sugar for the same taste.

“Our dedicated bakers have spent more than a year perfecting the reduced sugar versions of some of our beloved biscuits and we are confident they’ve got the same great taste as their originals,” Ms Mercier says.

It’s all very good, but no-one eats biscuits for their health benefits, it’s strictly about that sugar hit or a delicious supplement to a cuppa. I suspect it will be like McDonalds trying to make its burgers more healthy, and will end in a failure to fire. 

Read: Food and drink is getting sweeter, but it’s not all sugar

Best supermarket deals this week


Sensible: Avocados, five pack, $5. Does the avocado oversupply never end? Take advantage of all the guacamole you could ever want, and freeze the leftovers for when the price inevitably goes up.

Indulgence: Frey dark chocolate variety blocks, 100g, $2.40 each. Three great flavours and the good news is dark chocolate is good for you. Buy now for the health benefits only.


Sensible: Citrus range on sale, between $2.50 to $3.50/kg. It’s one of life’s happy paradoxes that the sunniest of fruits comes into harvest in the cold months. Put some citrus zing in your life with this range from sweet mandarins to tangy ruby red grapefruit. 

Read: Egg shortage hit supermarkets with limits imposed

Indulgence: Coles RSPCA-approved chicken portions with BBQ rub, $8.50/kg. Chicken fillets are versatile, but for barbecue success it’s best to use a cut with the bone in and the skin on. These portions have all that plus a rub, so they’ are ready to go. They would also go a treat in the slow cooker or stew. 


Sensible: Farm Foods pork and plum sausages, $6.99. Thankfully, we’ve come a long way from the days when the only sausage choices were beef or pork. These pork and plum snags are great grilled with mash or try this sausage bake.

Indulgence: Grandessa Reserve premium Australian jam, 300g, $2.99. We all love fancy pants foreign jams in cute jars, but what if you could buy a similar product and support Australian growers? Grandessa is made in the Yarra Valley and compares well against international offerings. But don’t just take our word for it, it was Australia’s top-rated jam by according to Canstar Blue.

Read: Are supermarkets’ online pricing practices honest?


Sensible: It’s IGA’s Community Giveback sale week. All products tagged with a blue logo will go towards IGA’s community support program and there are bargains to be had. Many products are half- price and the range covers most departments. The program has donated more than $1.6 million to the community. Any community project or group looking for financial support can see how it works here

Indulgence: Peter’s drumsticks, classic and minis, $6.50, save $2.50. It’s great we can now buy these corner shop staples at the supermarket. We love the minis at home, it’s a lazy person’s dessert with a minimum guilt trip attached.

Are you loving the glut of avocadoes? Do you always shop for in-season produce? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Jan Fisher
Jan Fisher
Accomplished journalist, feature writer and sub-editor with impressive knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income, issues that affect Australians planning and living in retirement, and answering YLC members' Age Pension and Centrelink questions. She has also developed a passion for travel and lifestyle writing and is fast becoming a supermarket savings 'guru'.


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