Soul-warming Chicken Soup

Is there anything more comforting on a cool autumn night than a big bowl of homemade soup? Traditionally served on the Sabbath, chicken soup is often referred to as ‘Jewish penicillin’ due to its medicinal qualities.

Serves: 12


  • 1kg chicken thighs
  • 4 chicken carcasses
  • 2 onions
  • 3 carrots, chopped
  • 1 parsnip, chopped
  • 3 stalks celery, chopped
  • 6 litres water
  • 3 chicken stock cubes


Rinse the chicken thighs and carcasses and place them in a large pot. Cover them with water and bring to the boil, skimming off any froth that comes to the surface. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer on a low heat for two hours, partially covered (boiling the soup rapidly will cause it to become cloudy).

Set the soup aside to cool, then strain into another saucepan, discarding the vegetables and setting aside the chicken for other use, for example, to make piroshkis. Refrigerate the soup overnight. Remove the layer of fat on the surface, reheat and serve, or freeze for later use.

Note: Leftover soup can be kept and reheated for up to three days, or stored in the freezer for about three months.


Recipe taken from Cooking from Memory by Gaye Weeden, Hayley Smorgon and Natalie King
Part cookbook, part history lesson, this book illustrates the story of the Jewish Diaspora in Australia through personal stories and delicious recipes that rouse taste buds and memories of the past. Readers meet 21 cooks who migrated to Australia from places like Georgia, Italy, Israel, as well as from Japan, South Africa and Vietnam. While their stories of courage and hardship differ, food and flavours filled their Jewish homes with love, no matter where they lived. Readers can feast their eyes on beautiful photography while learning recipes for Sephardi couscous, chicken soup, gefilte fish, and strudel – as well as indulging in rich Jewish culture and tradition.

You can purchase Cooking from Memory at

Published by Hardie Grant Books.

Related articles:
Roasted Pumpkin Soup
Budget Potato Soup with Onion Scones
Curried Chicken Soup

Amelia Theodorakis
Amelia Theodorakis
A writer and communications specialist with eight years’ in startups, SMEs, not-for-profits and corporates. Interests and expertise in gender studies, history, finance, banking, human interest, literature and poetry.


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