Convincing ‘MyGov’ scam

Australians are being warned of a very convicting scam, which appears to be from MyGov, asking for bank details.

A number of people have been taken by the scam, which comes in the form of a text message asking them to update their personal information on what looks to be a government website.

The text message reads: “Last warning to update your payment details”. The link in the message leads to a fake website that looks almost exactly like the Australian Government MyGov page.

‘All citizens must update their bank details by 30 Jan 2020 in accordance with Treasury Laws Amendment Act No. 52 2019,’ says the website.

A Department of Human Services spokeswoman says that while the department does sometimes text, call or email people to access personal information, DHS staff will always identify themselves.

“We receive reports of scam emails, phone calls and SMS messages and are aware of several recent scams,” she told the Daily Mail.

“There are many different types of scams, and they can look or sound very convincing.

“Most of them try to obtain personal information or ask people to pay fees or transfer money to receive a government payment. 

“The department won’t send links to your personal email address, or by text message.

“However, the messages you get in your myGov inbox are secure and it’s safe to open links included in myGov inbox messages.”

Have you seen this text message? Did you think it was real?

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