Government update 2018

Part of making retirement affordable requires fully understanding your entitlements and rule changes. So here’s the latest government update to help clarify.

Short-term vehicle registration now an option
If you live in Victoria and your registration is due for renewal after 1 January, 2018, you will have the option to pay a short-term registration fee – either three or six months. There will be a fee of $2.45 charged for each renewal and if you have a concession card, you will still be able to receive the concession rate.

Changes to Pension Supplement overseas
Although still subject to the passage of legislation, those who travel overseas from 1 January, 2018, for a period of six weeks or more, can expect to have their Pension Supplement stopped after six weeks. For those who are leaving Australia permanently, your Pension Supplement will cease the day you depart.

Assistance with income review requests
Centrelink is contacting some customers to request more details about their reported income from previous years. While the letter you receive will ask you to provide the information within 28 days, you can have more time if needed. Centrelink has several online guides to help you understand the process of your review.

Support for those affected by data breach
All Centrepay deductions to Amazing Rentals have been cancelled following a possible data breach and if your payment has been affected, you should have received notice. If you think you’ve been affected by the possible Amazing Rentals data breach, Human Services is offering assistance through its Identity Support and Response Team.

Indexation of Carer Allowance
Indexation of the Carer Allowance has taken place on 1 January, 2018. It may be only a few dollars, but it could well help with those after-Christmas expenses.


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