How to make your coffee healthier

If you are unable to get through the day without a set number of coffees, why not take advantage of your morning ritual/addiction and use it to give yourself a healthy boost?

There are a number of ways you can turn the humble cup of coffee into a nutrient-rich health drink if you are willing to make a few changes to your regular brew.

Here are some of the best ways to make your coffee healthier.

Spice it up
Spiced coffee is a particularly popular option in central America. Adding a little bit of cayenne pepper provides an exotic and warming heat to the brew. Cayenne pepper is also credited with helping digestion, relieving migraine pain, preventing blood clots and relieving joint and nerve pain.

Change your sweetener
If you prefer your coffee sweet there are a lot more options than sugar to change the taste of your coffee, and some of them provide health benefits instead of doing you damage. Coconut oil is a magnificent way to improve the flavour of your brew and has also been associated with contributing to weight loss and possibly preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Cinnamon crush
If coconut oil isn’t to your liking, an increasingly popular sweetener alternative to sugar is cinnamon. Adding a pinch of cinnamon provides you with an antioxidant boost, slashes your risk of heart disease and lowers your blood-sugar levels.

Mocha real change
Adding chocolate to your coffee doesn’t immediately seem like it should make your brew healthier, but we are talking about unsweetened cocoa and that makes a big difference. Adding cocoa to your coffee offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that can help your body by lowering blood pressure, balancing cholesterol, and helping to manage type 2 diabetes.

Middle East magic
Many countries in the Middle East add the spice cardamom to their coffee and the health benefits are amazing. The health benefits of cardamom include gastrointestinal protection, cholesterol control, relief from cardiovascular issues and improvement of blood circulation in the body. Cardamom has also been used as a natural breath freshener, which can counter another of coffee’s negative consequences.

What do you do to make your coffee healthier?


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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.
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