Is joint pain inevitable, or can we treat it?

Joint pain is my thing. I can’t claim to know a lot about it, but I can claim to suffer from it regularly, albeit only mildly. As a nearly 60-year-old, I know I’m not alone in my age bracket to suffer. However, a report suggests my ailments are even more common than I thought. 

Not necessarily the same joint pain as mine, or in the same locations. There are a lot of joints in our bodies after all. The report was published today by the makers of Epijoint, a new product for the treatment of joint pain.

The Epijoint Pain Report advises that a third of Australians experience mild intensity joint pain daily. Mild intensity is defined in this case as “an intensity rating between two to four”. This is based on a pain rating scale starting at 0 (no pain) and rising to 10 (worst possible pain).

In my case, the affected joints are my knees and shoulders. The pain is certainly mild (mostly), and does not prevent me from doing most things. On the other hand, it is also definitely a daily thing for me. And as the report suggests, the effects on one’s physical and mental wellbeing of even mild joint pain can be profound. 

Those effects can often be overlooked. The reasons for this vary. Epijoint cites affordability, time, and fear of not being taken seriously as reasons for downplaying, dismissing or neglecting joint pain.

I can identify with all three of those, but downplaying my joint pain won’t provide any solutions. 

Addressing joint pain

It’s easy to throw mild joint pain into the too hard basket. (At least it is metaphorically. I’m not sure my current shoulder joint pain would allow me to physically throw anything right now!) 

But doing so can bring with it long-term consequences. Helen Jentz, chief executive officer at Musculoskeletal Australia, says mild joint pain is generally part of a more complex issue. “Living with mild joint pain can mean navigating a maze of challenges that can disrupt every facet of daily life,” Ms Jentz said. “Living with pain can create a sense of frustration and fatigue, making it necessary to address the pain.” 

How we go about addressing mild joint pain is another thing altogether. Ms Jentz says effective management is key. “The absence of effective management strategies can leave patients vulnerable to further discomfort,” she said. This highlights “the need for tailored strategies that address mild joint pain”, Ms Jentz said.

Epijoint’s report reveals that 32 per cent of Australia’s sufferers use medication of some sort, while 31 per cent rely on physical therapy. However, almost a quarter of those using either or both say they believe this are unsustainable in the long term.

I am finding out, slowly but surely, that exercise helps. I have been reluctant to go down that path because exercise itself can at times bring on my joint pain. But my doctor suggests that slowly building up my loads on these joints could bring long-term relief.

Managing the pain in the meantime, or in the long term for those for whom exercise is not a viable solution, is still important. One person who would perhaps understand that importance more than most is ex-AFL player Josh Gibson.

Pain management

A triple-premiership player, Mr Gibson’s AFL playing career with North Melbourne and Hawthorn took in 225 games over 12 seasons. Anyone who knows the Australian game will know the likelihood of suffering long-term joint pain is high after such a career.

Having retired from top level footy in 2017, Mr Gibson is now business development manager at Epijoint. He’s happy to put his name to a product that has been tested. 

“We conducted the research for the Epijoint Pain Report because we understand the frustration of living with mild joint pain, and the impact this can have on a person’s daily life,” said Mr Gibson.

“To ensure Aussies can access an affordable option for managing their joint concerns, even if mild, we’ve launched, Epijoint.” Epijoint is an oral soft gel capsule that the company says relieves mild joint pain and osteoarthritis symptoms.

According to Mr Gibson, Epijoint contains “the world-exclusive ingredient Epiitalis®” as its active ingredient. “In recent clinical research, patients taking a daily dose of Epiitalis, experienced an approximately 50 per cent reduction in mild joint pain while their quality-of-life scores improved by over 80 per cent,” Mr Gibson said.

That sounds impressive, and it’s something I’d be willing to try as a mild joint pain sufferer. I will, however, as I always do, speak with my GP first.

Epijoint is now available over the counter at Chemist Warehouse.

Do you suffer from mild joint pain? Have you found any effective treatments? Let us know via the comments section below.

Also read: Can red light therapy help treat osteoarthritis?

Disclaimer: This article contains general information about health issues and is not advice. For health advice, consult your medical practitioner.

Andrew Gigacz
Andrew Gigacz
Andrew has developed knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income and government entitlements, as well as issues affecting older Australians moving into or living in retirement. He's an accomplished writer with a passion for health and human stories.


    • You’re lucky! Cortisone doesn’t work for me. I have both knees, right hip, and both shoulders replaced. The left knee needs to be re-done because the surgeon was careless and put it in a bit off. That was November 2005.

      I moved to Australia in 2009, and the next year saw the orthopedic surgeon who replaced my father-in-law’s knee. This amazing man looked at a normal x-ray and told me that it was a cm or so off! He has retired from surgery, sadly, but he’d recommended me to a wonderful surgeon for my shoulders, and he does knees and hips as well.

      Sorry for the ramble 🙂 My GP is trying different med strengths for the pain of severe degenerative osteoarthritis. I’ve been on Tramadol for years, and saw a pain specialist aa few months back, who made suggestions to him. So my Tramadol dose is being adjusted and I now have a pain patch that’s being adjusted also. The goal is to not cause my kidneys/liver more damage


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