How to feel sexy after 60

It feels as though society today is obsessed with portraying beauty as youth. Advertising campaigns and runways are full of young models who will probably age out of the industry by the time they turn 23.

Thankfully, there is no age limit on feeling sexy. Men and women of any age can ooze sex appeal – I find it usually goes hand in hand with confidence and approachability. But sexy also needs to evolve as you age; what makes you feel sexy at 30 will be different to what makes you feel sexy at 60. And that’s fine, it’s all about identifying it and running with it.

Luckily, actresses like Jane Seymour, Susan Sarandon and Jane Fonda are breaking media stereotypes by looking attractive and mature. They show that women can be as sexy as the classic older male stereotypes like George Clooney or Brad Pitt.

So here are a few ways you can feel sexy after 60.

The first is the easiest and cheapest. In fact, it’s the cheapest facelift you’ll ever get. So what if you have wrinkles or skin that’s starting to droop a little, smiling can make all the difference. It makes people notice when you look like you are enjoying life and people want to approach those who look happy and welcoming.

It’s easy to look cranky when you are out running errands or simply off in your own world but putting you head up and sticking a smile on your face can help you feel more engaged with the world around you. It’s also nice to catch a stranger’s eye and share a smile.

Move with purpose
There’s nothing better than when you’re on your way somewhere and you really get into the swing of things. Draw your shoulders back, lift your chin a little, pick up your feet as you walk and look as though you want to get wherever you’re going (even if it is to the dentist).

Aside from making you feel and look good, walking with purpose can be beneficial from a security perspective. Even if you’re travelling, walking as though you know the area and know where you’re going can keep you off the radar of potential muggers. It’s also easier to take in your surroundings when you lift your gaze and look ahead.

Wear what makes you feel good
Have a look through your closet and think about what makes you feel the most like you when you slip it on. What do you love, what do you avoid, what hasn’t fitted for the past 10 years?

The clothes that you choose should fit properly, be in the colours that make you feel great and match who you are as a person. If you don’t feel comfortable in your clothes, if they’re too tight or you don’t feel confident in certain colours, that will show.

Make a list of your best features and keep them in mind when choosing new clothes. Show a glimpse of your great cleavage, wear dresses and skirts that show your long legs. Look for tops that accentuate an hourglass shape if you have a small waist. Everybody has great features and it’s okay to show them off a little.

Buy some red underwear
A 2017 study found that both women and men who wear red feel more physically attractive. Apparently, the bold colour gives us all a nice little confidence boost, at least compared to people wearing blue. If you don’t feel confident enough to don a red shirt or dress, red underwear will give you that same boost but only you will know.

Make a morning playlist
Download some of your favourite, positive songs and pop them on when you’re getting ready or when you’re making your morning coffee. Sing along, dance a little and start the day by feeling good.

Try out a dance class
Belly dancing or burlesque will definitely make you feel sexy, but any type of dance will allow you to experiment with movement and get those endorphins pumping. A supportive group environment is an opportunity to make some new friends and gain some new skills, and feel confident while you’re doing it.

Laugh a lot
Joy and laughter is the ultimate confidence builder. Joy is infectious and it naturally makes other people want to be around you. It makes you seem fun and like you don’t take life too seriously. The benefits of laughter are numerous, from boosting the immune system to lowering blood pressure, plus a good belly laugh is a great core workout. This isn’t to say you should be happy and joyful 100 per cent of the time, of course, we all have our down days, but try to find joy in the little things and you’ll be surprised at what can come from it.

Stay relevant
Keeping up with technology and the current trends can be hard but there’s a lot to gain from them. From watching your favourite movie on a smart TV to digital doorbells keeping you and your packages safe, there are lots of small, easy ways to integrate technology into your life. Using Skype or Facetime to keep in touch with family and friends when you are far apart or catching up on the daily news can all help you stop feeling as though the world is moving on without you.

What do you do when you are feeling glum? How do you maintain and build your confidence? Do you have any other tips to add? Why not share your ideas in the comments section below.

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Ellie Baxter
Ellie Baxter
Writer and editor with interests in travel, health, wellbeing and food. Has knowledge of marketing psychology, social media management and is a keen observer and commentator on issues facing older Australians.


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