How to crowd fund your holiday

Do you want to tick a box on your travel bucket list but don’t have the money to do it? Why not try crowdfunding your dream holiday?

FundMyTravel is an online crowdfunding platform aimed at giving would-be travellers a shot at a holiday regardless of how much, or how little, money they have in their coffers. Now, it may sound a bit ‘forward’ to think that random people would want to help you get to your dream destination, but there are a lot of generous people in the world just looking for a reason to help you out.

And it’s not just for those looking to getaway for a free holiday. You may have aspirations of working as a volunteer in a third-world country, or helping to research dolphin mating rituals in Miami. You may have a sick friend or family member who needs your help but lives in Denmark. Whatever your reason, you can set up a campaign at FundMyTravel for free and see if someone, somewhere in the world, is willing to help you get there.

But what’s the catch, you say. Well, FundMyTravel basically takes five per cent of whatever donations you ‘earn’. That’s it.

There are four steps to setting up your FundMyTravel campaign:

Step 1 – create your campaign
Create a user account and tell people your story. Here’s where you inform people as to why you want, or need, to go overseas (or wherever else for that matter). You can use photographs, write a short bio and introduction and you can even upload videos that support your case. You’ll also need to set up your target amount and your preferred payment methods, such as PayPal or direct deposit.

Step 2 – spread the word
FundMyTravel utilises social media to help you get the word out. Share your campaign through the built-in social media and email facilities to boost your chances of receiving donations.

Step 3 – receiving funds
All donations are automatically sent to your FundMyTravel account and you don’t even have to wait until your final target is hit.

Step 4 – cost
Once your campaign reached its conclusion, FundMyTravel takes its five per cent ‘gratuity’ to help maintain the site. Any fees that are charged by payment processing facilities will also be removed at this stage.

Step 5 – get on your way!

FundMyTravel is a great way for anyone doing it tough financially to still have a chance to see the world. So why not give it a try and let us know how you go?

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