More politicians’ heads will roll

The man behind the citizenship saga that has shaken Australian politics has spoken out about his motivation for bringing about a constitutional crisis for the Government.

West Australian lawyer John Cameron was surprised at how quickly the citizenship scandal snowballed and fully expects more heads to roll.

Mr Cameron said he began digging into the backgrounds of Australian politicians in 2011, so he could take down Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard. When the evidence he found against the two failed to move High Court judges, he decided to go after the ‘low lying fruit’ instead.

“When I started I was after Gillard and Abbott but I wasn’t having much joy getting the evidence; or I wasn’t getting much joy in the High Court accepting the evidence that I had from the British border authority,” said Mr Cameron.

“So it was easier to go after Scott Ludlam as one of the low-lying fruit because it was accessible through New Zealand.”

This led to the resignation of the now former Greens senator, and subsequently resulted in the status of many other politicians from all parties being questioned. Five months later, Barnaby Joyce, Scott Ludlam, Fiona Nash, Malcolm Roberts and Larissa Waters have all been ousted.

Mr Cameron expects more heads to roll in the coming months.

“There are those in Parliament who think that they are above the law. A correction is required,” he said.

“There’s a crying-out need for an independent commission on corruption, as this case has demonstrated.

“And if nothing else comes out then it will have been worthwhile.”

What do you think of Mr Cameron’s actions? Should he be praised? Or is he a troublemaker for no good reason? Do you agree with his motivation?

Related articles:
Barnaby Joyce dual citizenship saga
Greens Leadership shake-up
Peter Dutton’s citizenship test fails


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