Tim Minchin: hero of the week

YourLifeChoices is pleased to nominate performer and songwriter Tim Minchin as our hero of the week, for his incredibly cheeky and courageous recording of Come Home (Cardinal Pell). Minchin is risking court action to highlight the failure of the Cardinal, who seemed to have little difficulty travelling by air to Rome, to complete the journey back to reveal what he knows about child abuse by the Catholic Church.

Child abuse is wrong. Child sexual abuse is indefensible. It is the duty of every adult to ensure that all children are protected from those who would do them harm. And as the royal commission into child abuse explores the role of Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat, it is the duty of those involved to take a stand and share what they know of these allegations. So any assistance for the seemingly powerless victims – many now middle-aged men whose lives have been severely compromised, if not ruined, by past abuse – is to be applauded.

Congratulations to Tim Minchin for taking a stand about the fact that Cardinal Pell will not take to the stand to reveal what he knows. All proceeds from the sale of Come Home (Cardinal Pell) will help fund the airfares to Rome for survivors of institutional abuse, so they can face the Cardinal and hear him give evidence in Italy.

Love your work, Tim.

YourLifeChoices has purchased ten copies of this song to support those who have suffered abuse as children.

Why not watch the video and share your thoughts about Tim Minchin’s efforts?

Related articles:
Cardinal Pell calls media ‘mischievous’
Survivors source funds to see Pell in Rome


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