Podcast: National Seniors advocate Ian Henschke calls for action

It’s the 100th YourLifeChoices podcast and today National Seniors chief advocate Ian Henschke joins John Deeks to talk about the issues currently facing retirees, the change to the Work Bonus and how it works.

He also explains why he wants to “get rid of the fiddly bits, snakes, ladders and bonuses” and allow age pensioners to work and pay tax while keeping their Age Pension.

Visit www.nationalseniors.com.au to learn more.

YourLifeChoices Writers
YourLifeChoices Writershttp://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/
YourLifeChoices' team of writers specialise in content that helps Australian over-50s make better decisions about wealth, health, travel and life. It's all in the name. For 22 years, we've been helping older Australians live their best lives.


  1. The problem is our Government is backward when changing Legislation to help people, especially Pensioners, we seem to be treated with contempt by our Government. Albanese should be doing everything to help the aged as I’m sure his Mother was supported by Taxpayers, he’s proud of the fact that he lived in Government supplied housing and the struggle his single Mother had to raise him.
    I guess now he’s Prime Minister he doesn’t care, as hi pension will be worth
    more than he deserves.


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