Apps to help avoid Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia present unique challenges for carers. Keeping the home safe and comfortable for the sufferer is important, but also difficult as there are so many hazards.

Alzheimer’s Australia has recommendations for apps that can help with dementia, whether you are a carer looking to make the house safer, or someone worried about being struck with the disease.

Dementia-Friendly Home app
This app, available on iPhone and Android, provides carers with ideas to make homes more accessible for people living with dementia.

Making a house safer to live in can be crucial for allowing the person to stay in their residence longer, meaning they can enjoy their regular lifestyle activities and routines, and keep engaged with their community.

Based on 10 dementia enabling environment principles, the app recommends practical changes that prompt a carer to think about how to change the home in a way that may assist the person living with dementia.

Many of the app suggestions are small, inexpensive ideas, such as placing labels with pictures on cupboard doors. More significant changes include installing motion sensors that turn lights on and off when people walk through the house and replacing busily-patterned wall or floor coverings.

The Deakin Software and Technology Innovation Laboratory (DSTIL) worked with Alzheimer’s Australia Victoria to develop the app.

The Dementia-Friendly Home app is now available for iPad and iPhone from the App Store and Android devices from the Google Play Store for $2.99.

While we have warned against the promises made by some brain-training apps, this one has been developed by Alzheimer’s Australia in partnership with the Bupa Health Foundation.

The app looks at the risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia and fosters a healthy brain.

The BrainyApp surveys your test results to see how healthy your brain is, and then offers fun activities to help boost your score.

Using this may help you to improve your focus, memory and problem-solving skills, keeping your mind sharp and clutter-free.

The app is available for free for both Apple and Android devices.

Related articles:
What causes Alzheimer’s disease?
Do brain-training games work?
Keep dementia test in mind

Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.


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