Google introduces Google Wallet digital payment app

Google has launched its new revamped Google Wallet app for Android and Wear OS, allowing users to store digital payment methods on their smartphone or smartwatch.

Tech giant Google has announced the launch of Google Wallet, an all-in-one digital payment system that allows users to make payments and transfer money directly from their phones or smartwatches.

The app stores information such as credit and debit card details, loyalty cards, plane or concert tickets, digital identification, vaccination proof, digital car keys and much more.

For Australian users, Google Wallet will replace the existing Google Pay app, which stored payment methods but not the expanded forms of digital identification Google Wallet will accept.

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“We’re also developing smooth integrations with other Google apps and services,” the company said in a blog post.

“For example, when you add a transit card from a supported agency to Wallet, your card and balance will automatically show up in Google Maps when you search for directions.

“If your balance is running low, you can quickly tap and add fare before you arrive at the station.”

If your Android device is set to receive automatic updates, then your Google Pay app will update to Google Wallet on its own. If you don’t have automatic updates enabled, you’ll just have to update Google Pay via the Google Play store.

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Although still a smaller share of the overall payment market in Australia, digital wallets are growing in popularity.

Market research group RFI Digital found that around 10 per cent of Australians leave their physical wallet at home when they go out, opting to rely completely on their digital wallet app.

They also found 37 per cent of Australian smartphone users regularly use a digital wallet app for payments.

Of course, this means that a majority of Australian smartphone users are not using the payment methods. Keeping transactions and payment information secure is a major factor for some people in adopting the technology.

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But Google says the Wallet app will be secure and users will have access to personalized security settings.

“Privacy and security are the cornerstone of Google Wallet and we are providing granular settings for you to create a privacy experience that works for you,” the company says.

“Highly personal objects such as Covid vaccine cards will not be shared, even across Google, without your permission.”

Would you be willing to use a digital wallet? Could you ever leave home without your physical wallet?

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Brad Lockyer
Brad Lockyer
Brad has deep knowledge of retirement income, including Age Pension and other government entitlements, as well as health, money and lifestyle issues facing older Australians. Keen interests in current affairs, politics, sport and entertainment. Digital media professional with more than 10 years experience in the industry.
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