How to set your browser home page

Each time you open your browser, by default you’ll either be presented with a search engine or some annoying branded web page. But did you know you can set any web page as your browser’s home page? Here’s how to do it in the most popular browsers.

Internet Explorer
Okay, so why you’re still using Internet Explorer is anyone’s guess, but if you are one of those still using the browser otherwise known as ‘Internet Exploder’, then these instructions are for you:

  • click Internet Explorer on your start screen
  • find a webpage you’d like to set as your home page (hint: try
  • go to your browser Settings, located in the lower right hand corner of your screen
  • go to Options > Home pages > Customize
  • click Add current site, then click Add to make it your home page.

Microsoft Edge
Edge is Microsoft’s new, ‘edgier’ browser that is being credited as a lot more stable than it’s predecessor, Internet Explorer. Here’s how to assign your favourite website as your home page in Edge:

  • open Edge and click on ‘More actions’
  • go to Settings > Open With > A specific page
  • from the drop down menu choose ‘Custom’
  • click on X (to the right of ‘about:start’) to delete the default home page
  • type in and click ‘Plus’. Your home page is now set. Of course, you can do this with any web page you desire.


Mozilla Firefox
Firefox has long been a favourite of internet gurus the world over. It’s stable, fun and has a huge range of third-party extensions that allow you to customise the browser to suit your needs. Let’s just start with setting your home page, though, shall we?

The easy way:

  • open a new tab and go to
  • drag and drop that tab into the icon that looks like a house located the right of your URL address field. This is known as your Home button
  • select Yes to set your home page.


The other easy way:

  • click the menu button (three horizontal lines at the top right hand side of your browser), then select Preferences > General
  • the drop-down menu gives you the option of a blank page on startup or you can choose from your recently visited pages, or you can type in where it say ‘Home Page’
  • close the preferences box and your new home page is set.


Google Chrome
Google Chrome is a relatively new browser on the block, but it has already proven to be very stable and really easy to use. Let’s see if setting your home page is as easy as they claim.

  • click the Chrome menu (three horizontal lines at the top right-hand side of your browser), then click ‘Settings’
  • where it says ‘On start-up’ click ‘Open specific pages or set of pages’, then click ‘Set pages’
  • type in and click ‘OK’ and you’re done.


Apple Safari
Safari is shipped with every Mac, iPhone and iPad, so it’s little wonder that its one of the most popular browsers on the planet. Here’s how to set your new homepage in Safari.

  • go to Safari > Preferences > General
  • where it says ‘Home Page’, type
  • close the preferences box and your new home page is set.


You can’t set a home page in Safari on your iPhone or iPad, but you can apply this workaround instead:

  • with Safari open, click on the icon that looks like a square with an upwards arrow
  • now your Share Sheet is open. Scroll the bottom row to the right until you find ‘Add to Home Screen’ and tap
  • an icon will now be placed on your phone’s home screen so you can tap it and have instant access to the best retirement website on the internet. Yay!


Which is your favourite website? Why not set it as your browser’s home page?

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