How to stay tech savvy

The first rule of remaining tech savvy is to never be afraid to try something new. But with technology moving at such a frenetic pace, knowing what’s new is easier said than done. What’s probably easier to manage is trying something new that you’ll find fun or useful and the best place to start is with your mobile phone.

Switch to a smartphone
While many have made the move to smartphones, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about if you’re still operating a Nokia – as long as it serves your purpose. However, being able to get updates or technical support is becoming more difficult. If you can afford to make the switch, then now is probably the time to do so; with so much competition amongst phone manufacturers and service providers, getting a deal shouldn’t be too difficult. And there’s no need to have the latest model, thanks to system updates, even versions that are three or four issues behind the latest are still perfectly acceptable to use.

Review your technology needs
If you’re still tied to your desktop every time you want to search the internet, shop, bank or read a book, then perhaps it’s time to move to something more mobile. Laptops are a good option, but tend to be expensive and quickly surpassed by new models. Tablet computers or even the larger versions of smartphones not only help you to search and shop on the go, but by having only one gadget, you can master all its functions much more easily.

Don’t be afraid to ask
There really is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to technology and if you’re not comfortable asking out loud, search the internet, or ask us here at YourLifeChoices. Apple is particularly good at offering support through online chat or via its stores. Going along to a class is another great way to meet people who are also trying to master a new device. If you’re not a convert to Apple, then your service provider can often provide the answers to your tech questions.

Don’t fear your technology
Anyone who has watched a four-year-old master the latest apps or technology in three minutes flat will understand that it’s a case of being fearless. Not being afraid to make a mistake or of doing something wrong may not come naturally, but if your device is regularly backed up, then remember it can always be restored to that setting. We’re not suggesting randomly pressing buttons to see what happens, but if you’re following instructions and something does go wrong, it can usually be rectified.

Use your technophobia to connect
Young people love feeling superior to their elders and despite the expected roll of the eyes, they’ll often be only too happy to show you how to upload your photos or download your favourite music. Asking your grandchildren for assistance will also make them feel worthwhile, especially when they get to that awkward age when they don’t know what to talk about. You could make a tech conversation form part of the time you spend with them, but don’t let it be the only thing you do together.

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