Your technology questions answered

This helpful page has information on Microsoft Word, updating your pc, anti-virus software, the purchase of Skype and help with getting started online. Do you have a question that hasn’t already been answered? YourLifeChoices is happy to answer any of your technology related questions.

Ten best computer assistance websites

With over 140,000 articles on different subjects, wikiHow is the one-stop-shop for finding out how to do… anything! The computer and electronics section of wikiHow provides you with all the information you need to know, from deleting your usage history to securing your wireless home network.

Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association (ASCCA) is the national peak body for seniors and technology. ASCCA is represented in every state and territory of Australia and ASCCA associated clubs are a great way to learn new skills or share your computer knowledge.

Microsoft Support
Micrsoft provides help and how-to information for all of its products including Windows, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, Skype, Windows Phone and XBox in one handy location.

Apple tutorials
Having trouble understanding your Apple computer, phone or tablet? Apple offers a video tutorial section on its website and a community forum in which members are more than happy to help you with your troubles.

Reviewing all your technology needs, PCWorld provides reviews, ratings and prices for the latest laptops, mobile phones, broadband plans and printers.

With the help of our trusty technology expert Drew, YourLifeChoices has been answering members’ questions for the past several years. Send your question to [email protected].

Providing how-to tips and explaining exactly how your technological gadgets work, HowStuffWorks answers questions such as ‘How big a hard drive do I need?’ and ‘What’s the best e-reader to use on a smartphone?’.

Have you been the target of fraudulent actions, or simply want to keep yourself one step ahead of potential threats? SCAMwatch is a website, set up by the Government’s Australia Competition & Consumer Commission, which offers assistance and useful advice.

As the largest source of videos on the internet, if you need a technological question answered, chances are someone has already posted the answer on YouTube. A quick search of ‘how to fix my iPhone home key sticking’ revealed 806 videos relating to this issue, with the top video fixing my problem in under three minutes.

Broadband for Seniors
Aimed at increasing the confidence and skills of older Australians in using computers and the internet and helping to build their community participation and social inclusion, the Australian Government has established 2000 free internet kiosks nationally.

YourLifeChoices Writers
YourLifeChoices Writers
YourLifeChoices' team of writers specialise in content that helps Australian over-50s make better decisions about wealth, health, travel and life. It's all in the name. For 22 years, we've been helping older Australians live their best lives.


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