Aussie island named world’s best

Domestic travel doesn’t have to be a drag, especially when you live in the country that is home to two of the world’s favourite islands.

Earlier this month, Conde Nast Traveler released their annual reader’s choice awards, announcing the best islands in the world, according to some 600,000 voters. In response to coronavirus, and the somewhat global consensus that travel will be staying local for a little while longer, they broke award categories down by region.

The most popular island in the ‘Australia and the Pacific’ region was – drum roll please – Tasmania. Described as a ‘site of rugged beauty’, Tasmania was celebrated on the world stage for its pink granite mountains, eastern coastline, Cradle Mountain and wilderness to the west. The island was also acknowledged for the Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart, though readers were warned of its somewhat questionable taste in confrontational and occasionally repulsive exhibitions.

But apparently the world just couldn’t get enough of Australia, because Kangaroo Island pulled in at second place. Many Australians have been lucky enough to have seen just how stunning Kangaroo Island is in person. The island is known for its wildlife, rugged landscapes and stunning rock formations. More than a third of the island is a protected nature reserve. However, the devastating fires that hit Kangaroo Island last summer destroyed much of the island’s landscapes, including 96 per cent of Flinders Chase National Park. However, the park has been open since February, and the wildlife is making a comeback.

South Australian Tourism Commission chief executive Rodney Harrex told Traveler, “There’s no doubt it’s been a tough year for the island, with the COVID-19 pandemic following the tragic January bushfires, but it’s been incredible to see how quickly nature has bounced back and how it’s back on the must-see list for Australian travellers.”

It may be the perfect destination for domestic travellers wanting to see the best of the country and support the local economy and recovery efforts.

For travellers curious about our local competition, or perhaps wanting to scope out their next holiday destination, Waiheke Island, New Zealand, can in third on the list. In fourth place was Samoa, and in fifth place was Rangiroa and Tuamotus, French Polynesia.


Do you agree with these results? Which islands would you have voted for? Have you spent much time in Tasmania or on Kangaroo Island?

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Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.
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