Best travel photos of 2014

Receiving over 18,000 entries from all around the world, the results from the National Geographic Traveler magazine’s photo contest for 2014 have been announced.

From stunning ice caves to mysterious desert views, judges had the hard job of reviewing thousands of pictures to select three overall winners and seven runners up.

First place was taken out by Marko Korošec for his apocalyptic photo of a storm cloud near Julesburg in Colorado, USA, with National Geographic Traveler director of photography Dan Westergren claiming the striking image stopped judges in their tracks.

Click NEXT to see the second place winner

Agnieszka Traczewska’s photo entitled First Time was awarded second place. Taken in Mea Shearim, an ultra-Orthodox district of Jerusalem, it features a newly married couple after their arranged marriage who are about to stay together for the very first time, alone. 

Click NEXT to see the third place winner

Third place was Marc Henauer’s Diver in Magic Kingdom – a photo of Green Lake in Tragöss, Austria. In spring, melted snow raises the level of the lake by 10 metres, allowing Henauer to capture a diver swimming over a hiking trail.

You can take a look at all the photos at National Geographic.


Which one would you have picked to win?

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