Seven tips for restful sleep on a flight

Travelling can be both exciting and exhausting.

Australians are known for being some of the most enthusiastic travellers in the world. For those frequent fliers or passengers on long-haul flights, sleeping on the plane can often be challenging. However, with the right strategies, one can ensure a more restful sleep while flying. 

James Smith, founder of tours and activities booking website Travel Lingual, has put together some tips on how to get the best sleep while flying.

“For those who don’t have the luxury of travelling in first class, there are numerous measures you can employ to ensure a good rest even on budget airlines,” Mr Smith said.

Select your seat wisely

Opt for a window seat if possible. This not only gives you a wall to lean on but also prevents disturbance when co-passengers need to use the restroom. Aisle seats, on the other hand, may provide a bit more legroom.

Dress comfortably

Wear loose-fitting clothes made of breathable fabric. There’s plenty of merino wool travel wear out there. Consider layers to adjust to cabin temperature changes, and don’t forget warm socks.

Consider a wrap as well. Great for a blanket or just for adjusting to temperature changes in the cabin

Neck support

An ergonomic travel pillow can prevent your head from dropping forward, offering neck support and aiding in better sleep.

There is a vast range out there, from the cheap and cheerful to cutting edge design. It may be a good idea to try before you fly to determine your comfort level.

Limit light and noise

It’s not possible to cut out all light and noise on a plane, but you can definitely minimise the impact. Eye masks can block out cabin lights, and noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs can help drown out ambient noise.

There are a range of eye masks available specifically for travel so once again it may be a good idea to try before you fly.

Stay hydrated

Cabin air can be quite dry. Drink water before and during the flight, but avoid caffeine and alcohol as they can disrupt your sleep cycle.

Everyone knows this, but sometimes the temptation to down a few alcoholic beverages is too tempting while in holiday mode.

Adjust to the destination time zone

If you’re crossing multiple time zones, try to sleep according to your destination’s night-time. This can help in reducing jet lag. Thankfully, with everyone carrying a digital device these days, you can work this out in advance.

Limit screen time

The blue light from screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Consider reading a book or listening to calming music instead.

“While these tips can enhance the chances of a comfortable sleep on planes, everyone’s body reacts differently. It’s essential to find what works best for you and create a personalised in-flight sleep routine,” Mr Smith said.

What are your tips for sleeping on a plane? Why not share them in the comments section below?

Also read: Confessions of a first-time cruiser

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