Hilarious campaign targets travellers ‘under the social influence’

Tourism New Zealand is taking aim at anyone travelling “under the social influence” in their hilarious new campaign.

We’ve all seen – or been guilty of – the social media tropes that scream, “I went somewhere pretty – just like a thousand people before me!”

If you’ve ever posted a picture of your ‘hotdog legs’ at the beach, doing the ‘summit spreadeagle’ or the classic ‘hot tub backshot’, then this campaign from the Crown agency is aimed at you. 

Last May, Tourism NZ launched the Do Something New campaign, urging travellers to step off the oh-so beaten path, and explore parts of the country they haven’t seen reposted a hundred times on Instagram.

Tourism NZ domestic general manager Bjoern Spreitzer told Traveller, “We noticed that the same pictures or poses keep coming up, time and time again, no matter the location.”

When borders closed in May, the travel industry in NZ, which usually attracts around 3.8 million tourists each year, was hit hard. The industry then turned its attention to the domestic population of just 4.9 million people, urging them to take their business far and wide as they explore their own backyard.

“There are so many incredible things to do in New Zealand, beyond the social trends,” continued Mr Spreitzer.

While the campaign may have a hard no “middle of the road photos” or “contemplating on rocks” policy, it urges tourists to go to unique destinations and to post – original – photo evidence.

Are you guilty of posting a “man sits quietly on a rock contemplating” photo? Do you see tourists posing for these types of pictures? Are there any ‘off the beaten track’ destinations you would recommend to other travellers?

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Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.
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