How much is a better flight worth?

How much would you pay to make your flight better? Well, the average spend per traveller is US$62 and that’s on top of what you’ve already paid!

According to a survey by global travel technology company, Sabre Corporation, 94 per cent of passengers looking for a more tailored experience when flying would happily spend up to US$100. That’s a lot for extras, but what is perhaps surprising is that traveller will spend on different extras depending where they’re from.

While we in Asia Pacific currently spend US$63 and would spend up to $76, African travellers are happy to spend up to US$144.

So what are we spending all this extra cash on? Cabin class upgrades, on-board food and beverage and preferred seating and extra legroom ranked highest with 11 per cent each. Extra baggage and in-flight wifi scored with nine per cent of those surveyed. Those in Asia Pacific would opt for more baggage allowance, extra legroom was top of the list for Europeans and Americans and for the high-spending Africans it’s on board food and beverages that has them opening their wallets.

Also noted by the survey was that while we’re happy with technology playing a part when booking travel, human assistance was also welcomed. Almost half of Latin American travellers use a travel agent, which compares to a third from other regions.

So, if you were personalising your trip, on what would you be happy to spend the extra money?

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