Six tips to cut your travel costs

Travelling can be expensive, but there are ways you can reduce the cost without inhibiting your overall experience. After all, the best things in life are free – or at least don’t have to cost you an arm and a leg.

Admission prices
Plenty of museums have free or discounted days or times, have a quick look online before you decide which day you’ll visit, there might be a free day coming up. It’s also worth checking whether your entrance fee is a fixed price or a ‘recommended donation’.

Car rental insurance
Some credit cards come with car rental insurance, so you might be able to save a fortune on their hefty insurance policies. Just remember to check with your bank to make sure that your insurance will be valid.

Visit produce markets
Eating out for three meals a day can be expensive, but who can fight the urge to soak up the local cuisine and culture? Try visiting some bustling fruit and veg markets and you might be able to find just as much culture for a lot less money. 

And when you do eat out…
Don’t eat anywhere near major tourist attractions. Sightseeing and all the walking that accompanies it will wear you out, making you more likely to accept higher prices for food (and the locals know this). Try to fight the urge and just walk a few blocks away and do a little exploring. You’ll probably find better, more authentic food for less money.

Alternative accommodation
Using services such as Airbnb or Couchsurfing can save you plenty on your accommodation costs. And while staying in a hostel certainly isn’t glamorous, the money you save by doing so could add a couple of days to your trip.  

How’s the exchange?
Keep an eye on exchange rates and you might be able to afford a longer trip than you would have thought. Have you ever heard of the Big Mac Index? It charts the value of a Big Mac across the world and shows you how much certain currencies are over or undervalued.

What tips do you have for saving money while you travel?

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