Travel in 2014, the numbers

The stats are in and they aren’t small. According to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer over 1.1 billion tourists travelled abroad in 2014.

International tourist arrivals reached 1134 million last year, up nearly five per cent from 2013. The number of international tourists who were overnight visitors, also reached 1138 million in 2014, which is 51 million more than the previous year.

By region, the Americas (+7 per cent) and Asia and the Pacific (+5 per cent) registered the strongest growth, while Europe (+4 per cent), the Middle East (+4 per cent) and Africa (+2 per cent) grew at a slightly more modest pace.

By subregion, North America (+8 per cent) saw the best results, followed by North East Asia, South Asia, Southern and Mediterranean Europe, Northern Europe and the Caribbean, all increasing by 7 per cent.

Europe took out the title of the most visited region, with over half of the world’s international tourists; an increase of 22 million arrivals last year meant the total reached 588 million.

Looking forward to 2015, the UNWTO forecasts that international tourism will grow by three to four per cent, with growth expected to be stronger in Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas.

You can read the full report in the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer.

Do these stats surprise you? Did you travel overseas in 2014? Or do you plan on travelling internationally this year?

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