Where to access free, confidential financial information

Did you know Services Australia offers a number of specialist services you can access for free? One I often refer people to is the Financial Information Service (FIS).

FIS provides free, independent and confidential information, as well as tools and resources to help you make informed decisions about your current and future financial needs.

FIS is available to everyone, not just people receiving government payments and services.

The service helps people of all ages and circumstances make informed decisions about their finances, particularly people with complex financial situations, or anyone who is financially vulnerable.

Financial Information Service Officers are specialist staff who are available through a national phone service. They are located across the country in more than 130 Services Australia service centres, and have an expert understanding of income support payments and financial matters.

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FIS Officers can help you if you’re managing a change in your circumstances, such as being newly employed, being made redundant, dealing with an illness or disability, becoming a parent, getting divorced or becoming a carer.

They can help people who want to save for the future, are returning to work, thinking about or preparing for retirement, receiving compensation payments, or thinking about moving into aged care.

FIS Officers can explain:

  • how financial products work
  • how government payments work
  • resources that may help you with your financial matters.

They provide tailored financial information, education and support, however they’re not financial planners or financial counsellors, so they won’t promote or provide advice on purchasing investment products. FIS Officers also won’t make decisions about your payments.

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To speak to the Financial Information Service, call 132 300. Say ‘Financial Information Service’, when prompted for the reason for your call. This will take you through to a FIS Officer who will help you with your situation. Depending on your circumstances, the FIS Officer may book a further face-to-face interview for you, in or near your local Services Australia service centre.

Have you used a FIS Officer? Did you know you could even if you don’t receive a government payment? Do you have a question for Hank? Email [email protected]

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