Easy skincare and make-up tips for maturing skin

As your style changes as you age, so should your make-up and skincare routines.

Things that suited you in your youth, probably no longer apply.

I for one welcome the fact that the frosted pink lips and matching eyeshadow of my youth in the ’80s are no longer fashionable.

And it’s not about judging and expecting people to ‘dress for their age’, both your colouring and skin change in the second half of your life.

Mature skin does not retain moisture as well as it used to, so tends to be drier and thinner.

Of course, like fashion, you should suit yourself, rather than be a slave to trends, but there are some universal guides that can improve your appearance and hopefully your confidence as a result.

Bright and early

It pays to start with a good foundation, and by that we don’t mean the make-up.

By creating a good base, you make the rest of your routine so much easier.

It could be a hydrating serum, brightener, tinted moisturiser or primer. Work out what works for you.

If you think some areas of your face require a more targeted approach, don’t be afraid to use specialised products as well such as eye cream, colour corrector or pigment concealer.

Take cover

Celebrity make-up artist Sandy Linter wants women to embrace their age.

“You can’t hide wrinkles, so don’t try to, because you’re only going to draw more attention to them,” says Linter.

Linter recommends using a hydrating foundation or creamy concealer, and make sure you concentrate those areas of the face with pigment problems such as under the eyes, especially the inner eye area.

“Most women get darkest on the inner corner of their eye as opposed to the outer corners where you smile and have the laugh lines,” she explains.

Warm outer glow

As we age, we lose a bit of bloom off our skin, which can begin to change colour.

Now is the time to ignore the advice of decades to match your foundation or concealer to your skin tone.

Instead, choose one or two shades warmer to add a bit of depth. If wearing foundation doesn’t appeal, maybe invest in a bronzer.

If you do go down this route, it’s vital to make sure the colour is well blended around the jaw and temple so it doesn’t look so obvious.

Pick and choose

If there is a feature or make-up technique you like, concentrate on that. It could be your eyebrows, your lush eyelashes, your particular shade of lipstick or even where you place your blush.

The all-over make-up look you could get away with in your 20s probably isn’t going to work for mature skin.

Instead, highlight a feature that makes you comfortable and confident.

The eyes have it

Eye make-up can wake up tired-looking eyes. Focus on the lashes with a good mascara that doesn’t clump.

“There’s nothing more ageing than clumpy lashes on a woman over 50,” Linter says.

Linter also recommends ignoring advice that more mature women should only wear brown eyeliner and instead experimenting with the right shade that suits.

And step away from the tweezers. Thin, overplucked brows are instantly ageing and hard to maintain, and nobody wants that.

Has your skincare routine changed as you have matured? Is there one ‘go-to’ product you can recommend? We’d love to hear your tips in the comments section below.

Also read: Are your bathroom products toxic?

Jan Fisher
Jan Fisherhttp://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/author/JanFisher
Accomplished journalist, feature writer and sub-editor with impressive knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income, issues that affect Australians planning and living in retirement, and answering YLC members' Age Pension and Centrelink questions. She has also developed a passion for travel and lifestyle writing and is fast becoming a supermarket savings 'guru'.


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