Your five favourite Friday Funnies

As we say goodbye to another year – one that has had its share of ups and downs – we thought we’d highlight the funnier moments. So, without further ado, we present to you your five favourite Friday Funnies of 2016.

5. Wisecracks about marriage, men and women
In this collection of Friday Funnies, we enjoy a communal chuckle at our collection of cracks about men, women and marriage.

4. Four churches and a synagogue
Laugh out loud as you learn which religious institution is the most successful when it comes to dealing with rascally rodents.

3. Church bulletins to make you chuckle
These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services. Thank God for church ladies with typewriters.

2. 20 terrifically funny two-liners
The simple things in life are often the best – and this witty aphorism also applies to jokes. Here are 20 terrifically funny two-line jokes for you to share with your friends.

1. Taxi faux pas
This a perfect example of why one shouldn’t tell lies, because it’ll surely come back to bite you – as this couple finds out.

Which ones were your favourites?

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