A personal question to Christians

Is the attraction of Christianity , in the proposition , that it offers immortality...


Hello Pete

I don't think it's a question only Christians ask.

Every human being yearns to answer the question.

what is the meaning of life

the answer is not in Monthy Python. Neither is it 42.

Even scientists ask the question.

Hence the seek it through verifiable fact.

in the meantime others "find" their truth in their own faiths.

so you see religions people and scientists are seeking the same knowledge only through different paths.

or are they? One might argue that science is also another from of religion.

One might Densel .. I follow my own path not of faith , but intend to live for ever .

i follow science .. 

May you live long and prosper Pete 

although sadly even Mr Spock has left us

Yes but the point of my post is .. That those of a religiouse bent seek immortality through their religion . Why not here and now .,

Hello Pete

i will leave that for the religious folks to answer

as for me, I live for today and plan for the rest of my time on this earth to be filled with as many wonderful experiences as possible.

Yes exactly...

Pete in your quest to live forever , you will have to be hooked up to a life support machine.

Not a pretty site to see you sitting in your bodily fluids while your weird ramblings could not be understood .... by anyone

Guess Sofia would not be impressed and would pull the plug -- oh, ....... the end....

No that is not true . A lot has to do with nutrition and a low calorie diet.. I don't know who Sofia is .. But if you are interested in life extension I can tell you what I have learnt through my studies . 

If you want to be cynical and negative , I can only say , Good For You .. 


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