Homosexual marriage problems

A Canberra couple is threatening to divorce if same-sex marriage is legalised in Australia.

But Nick and Sarah Jensen, who have just celebrated their 10-year wedding anniversary, will continue to live together and refer to each other as husband and wife.

'As Christians, we believe marriage is not a human invention,' Mr Jensen wrote in the Canberra City News on Thursday.

The couple view marriage as a fundamental order of creation and part of God's intimate story for human history.

'My wife and I, as a matter of conscience, refuse to recognise the government's regulation of marriage if its definition includes the solemnisation of same-sex couples,' Mr Jensen said.

'If parliament voted to change the timeless and organic definition of marriage, it would have moved against the fundamental and foundational building block of Australian society and, indeed, human culture everywhere.

'Indeed, it raises a red flag when a government decides it is not content only having sovereignty over land, taxes and the military, but words themselves.'

By changing the definition of marriage it would, in years to come, have an altogether different sense and purpose, Mr Jensen said.

There has been a furious response to the article from some City News readers.

'The only good thing that will come out of this is that most normal people will be rightfully outraged and disgusted and will push even harder for change,' Katrina McLeod posted on the publication's Facebook site.

'Do they realise that the Bible does not allow divorce, so they will be living in sin?' said Michael Milgate.

Sandy Motorino said: 'I'm sick of people pretending that there is any intellectual or ethical justification to the argument against marriage equality. If you disagree with it, you're an idiot. And you belong in the 19th century.'

But Jo Church thought others were missing the point.

'They'll divorce if gay marriage becomes legal because then they'll be free to follow their hearts!' she said.


- See more at: http://www.skynews.com.au/news/national/2015/06/11/act-couple-will-divorce-over-gay-marriage.html#sthash.lOLarFl6.dpuf

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Where did you source your 1.5% from Pete?

From Smithsonian.com:

What percentage of the population considers themselves gay? This number has always been hard to pin down: sexuality is fluid, and plenty of people still feel pressured to hide their sexual orientation. But a new study has tried, and come up with a number that’s higher than most.

According to a study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, about 20 percent of the population is attracted to their own gender. That’s nearly double the usual estimates of about 10 percent. The authors explain that their methodology might have something to do with it:

Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/what-percent-of-the-population-is-gay-more-than-you-think-5012467/#XuX1m5mDPVr8rsQt.99
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Whichever p/c are homos' 10% or 20%, it is still a minority trying to change reality.

If marriage in any form is not to your liking, then other forms of pairing are available.

Although the minority will get their way, just stop and think of the change in the future,

How will the new sex education be introduced into schools? Will the young children be taught about homosexuality? that it is alright. Can their lives be destroyed for accepting a lie? how many young lives have been destroyed by being sodomised . All this change down the track just to equalise sodomony with Marriage between a man and a women.





According to the 2011 Census, there were around 33,700 same-sex couples in Australia, with 17,600 male same-sex couples and 16,100 female same-sex couples. Same-sex couples represented about 1% of all couples in Australia. This pattern of more male than female same-sex couples has been consistent since 1996, when data first became available, although the degree of difference has decreased in each Census. Although the overwhelming majority of same-sex couples described themselves on the Census form as de facto partners, there were 1,300 same-sex couples where one person was described as the husband or wife of the other.

Homosexuality is alright Seth. This is where you and I differ and have no meeting place. You see it as perversion and believe homosexuals pervert others. You also appear to confuse it with paedophilia. I see homosexuals and bisexuals as being normal, decent human beings who do not attempt to hurt anyone in any way at all and they certainly do not try to change the sexual orientation of other people or to corrupt or destroy young lives. 

Robi I do not confuse it with paedophilia, and as I have pointed out being a homo' like a hetro' doesn't make either a perfect human being, as it is trying to be painted that homo's are all loving with a light shining out of them,

I was saying that the homosexual act  of sodomy has been the ruination of many a child's life, So please, try and not whitewash the reality of such a lifestyle

You do confuse homosexuality with paedophilia Seth because it is the paedophile act of either sodomy with boys or girls, intercourse with girls, or any form of sexual abuse of children that "has been the ruination of many a child's life". Paedophiles Seth, not homosexuals.

Your first paragraph is ridiculous. Nobody is painting homosexuals as "all loving with a light shining out of them". Where has anyone said or indicated that?

Robi you keep saying I am confused between both deviations try and read it without blinkers... A paedophile commits the terrible sex acts on young boys, destroying their lives with a homosexual act, Sodomy.

Robi you know what I meant by, áll loving with a light shining out of them.     That is the impression being pushed by the pro  whatever! that they are all loving and wonderful, much better than those horrible others, who are against calling it 'Marriage"                                                                                               humans no matter what sexual persuaion can be evil. homo or hetro.

Sodomy is not a homosexual act Seth. Heterosexual males also indulge in anal sex if their female partner agrees. I'm surprised you didn't know that. Female homosexuals do not have anal sex so your argument pertaining to "homosexual act" doesn't stand up. Neither does your other argument about the glorification of gays. You make no sense whatsoever.

Robi you are denying the obvious, where did you arrive at that conclusion? that sodomy is not a homosexual sexual act? I never mentioned lesbians as they apparently do not partake in sodomy, but isn't their sexual activity mutual masburtation? Of course if you wish to not see what has been happening with the Gays' in pointing out or whitewashing what it really is, so be it.

Google sodomy, it is anal sex and also used for sex with an animal. Anal sex is a homosexual act irrespective of who or where it is carried out.


Hello Robiconda.

I refer to your comment of 8.7.15 - 10.58am this thread as follows:

 'Or like calling the marriage of white a 'marriage' and the marriage of non whites 'a coloured marriage'

And have to say I'm pretty darn uncomfortable with the above analogy which sort of casts me as some sort of bigot with Ku Klux Clan overtones, and getting the distinct impression I'm meant to feel guilty for posting my thoughts in relation to this suggested compromise...

Basically all I was doing in relation to my suggested compromise was to proffer 'Same Sex Marriage' as yet another model for the formalisation of a committed relationship between 2 people......Pretty much in the exact same vein as 'Marriage', 'De Facto Relationships' and hell yeah possibly even 'Civil Unions'....

Realise there are some differences re: these unions, but the way I look at it, the over-arching concept of  'Marriage', 'De Facto Relationships', Same Sex Marriage' and 'Civil Unions' are all pretty much the same thing i.e.  'The formalisation of a committed relationship arrangement between 2 people' and would definitely treat all, despite their different titles,  with same level of respect, and would never consider one as inferior/superior to the other.....

As I said previously my son has been in a de facto relationship for a number of years, and believe I treat his partner as a daughter-in-law in the much the same way as I treat the husband of my daughter as a son-in-law, despite the differences in their relationships and how they choose to live out their committment to each other i.e. with or without a piece of paper to formalise it, a different title...

Think I read somewhere earlier that your parents or one of your parents was uncomfortable with the notion of de facto relationships in the 60's and 70's and encouraged you and your husband to formalise your relationship with marriage....and just as the acceptance of de facto relationships were awkward and difficult for some people  in the 60s and 70s, but has since become commonplace and accepted,  but with the title 'De Facto Relationship' remaining unchanged , believe 'Same Sex Marriage' as just another version of the  formalisation of a committed relationship between 2 people, will eventually become accepted and commonplace...and have no problem with the differences in the terminology re:  committed relationships....be they marriage, same sex marriage, civil unions, or de facto relationships....

Shetso, I was merely using that description to emphasise my view as to why I see the use of different names for the same, identical legal ceremony as discriminatory. It was not written as a personal attack on you in any way at all and I feel a little offended myself that you think I was manipulating you to feel guilty. I respect your view but I don't agree with it. You come across as very open minded, fair, empathic and non prejudiced and most certainly not homophobic or racist in any way at all. I had no negative reactions to any of your posts. I repeat I was only stating my own view which differs to yours only in relation to using different names for the same legal ceremony. I feel the same as you about everything else you have written.

Agree with you Robi on percentages around 10%. 

Pete you are taking same sex couples living together which does not mean the percentage of Gays in the community as a whole figure .  You are distorting facts by quoting irrelevant statistics as a total number of Gays in the Australian Community when many would not be in live in couple relationships. 

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink ... You could quite easily look up the information for your self but I presented for you above .at 1.54 .contrary to your opinion the to total no of Homosexuals at 1.2 per cent of our population would appear to be living as couples ....

Many surveys have been done which present different stats because of the different questions asked, the ways they are asked, the environment in which they are asked and the truthfulness/lack of truthfulness of those answering the survey. If you google "What is the percentage of homosexuals in the population" you come up with a lot of wide ranging responses but it has been generally thought the figure is around 10%. The survey I put up earlier (at 1.02pm 8/7) on the Smithsonian site attempted to overcome problems in other surveys. The response to that survey was that 20% of people are same sex attracted. Not everyone who is attracted to their own gender will describe themselves as gay or homosexual. There are those who consider themselves bisexual, men who consider themselves heterosexual but have discrete sex on the side with men - known as "men who have sex with men or MSMs (and there is probably the female equivalent), there are men (often married) who are attracted to ladyboys or transgenders (male to female) who have not had their penises removed and there are many same sex attracted younger people who refuse to label themselves anything. Many in the aforementioned bisexual categories maintain their secret because they are often married with families and conduct their same sex dalliances in secret. I think it is very possible that the true figure of same sex attracted people in the population could be close to 20%.

I prefer the Austrslian Bureu of Stats who says homosexuals are 1.5 percent of population . and of these the majority are in a "Couples " situation . 

I think the push for Homosexual marriage is being made by the normal rent a crowd,

Robi thanks for those figures knew I had seen it somewhere.

From  link to the ABS the majority of of Homosexuals are not in a "Couples" situation. 

The number of same-sex couples in Australia counted in the Census has risen significantly in recent years, with a 32% increase in the five years since 2006. In the 15 years between 1996 and 2011, the number of same-sex couples more than tripledThe increasing number of people identified as being in a same-sex relationship may reflect growing social acceptance. There may also be increased awareness that data about same-sex couples is made available from the Census, giving more reason for same-sex couples to be open about the nature of their relationship and willing to supply this information.

According to the ABS National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, homosexual people are less likely than heterosexual people to be living with a partner: in 2007, 28% of people who reported they were homosexual were living in a couple relationship compared with 58% of people who reported they were heterosexual.

 1.2% of Australians identify as gay or lesbian 1.6% of men in Australia identify as gay, 0.9% identify as bisexual 0.8% of women identify as lesbian, 1.4% identify as bisexual 97.9% of Victorians aged 12-24 identify as heterosexual Same-sex couples represented about 1% of all couples in Australia Not that it matters how many homosexuals there are . But there is an awful lot of noise for this tiny group . I wish there was as much noise for the other minirities than do not want homosexuals to partake in the marriage act as it is a part of their culture they would prefer not to share.

The rise in our more effeminate men becoming homosexual to the point now where 1.6 per cent of men say they are homo ..Coninsides with woman's liberation. 

I would like to say the members of YLC have thrown up some interesting and thought provoking posts on this topic.

A credit to the posters. Worth a read by anyone who has an interest in the subject, some useful info amongst it all.


while i have had my say on this subject,    i must add,   someone earlies said ,   anal sex was an homosexual act,   therefore it was wrong,    AS i tried to point out earlier,    anal sex is carried out by hetrosexual couples as well as many other sexual practices,    so if its ok for marrieds,   why not homosexuals,    the act is the same,  whoever carries it out, ,     what ANYONE does in the privacy of there own home,   is no ones buisness but theres,       i bet few on here would like to go into the details of what happens in there bedrooms,    and personably,   who would care,    but some on here seem obssesed with what goes on behind closed dooes,      worry about your own marriage and leave others to enjoy there life however they want,     provided  they are consenting adults,      its there own buisness,

Cats sent you a PM.

I don't see where anyone has said that because Anal sex is a homosexual act therefore it is wrong . 

Seth has said Anal sex is a homosexual  act . 

I have said I find the homosexual sex abhorrent . 

None of this has anything to do with Homosexual marriage which I oppose .

READING through earlier posts,   one thing keeps being repeated,   that is the suject of sexual deviants,    and pedeophiles,    also crimes against children,     THESE subjects have nothing whatever to do with homosexuals,      THERE are a completely different issue,    an awful one,  i agree,     but entirely irrelivant to the subjert of gay marriage, 

got your earlier one viv,    have you sent another?

Yes I have different subject.  Good to read your common sense remarks on here Cats.

I second what Viv says Cats. 

IMO and mine only, believe this topic is as done as an overcooked pot roast. As far as I'm concerned it’s a done deal and only a matter of time before Australia joins other civilised countries in making gay marriage legal. So before I go, here some quotes by a writer called Quentin Crisp, that says it all, in my view anyway:

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their address they eventually live in the metropolis.

“I don’t think you can really be proud of being gay because it isn’t something you’ve done. You can only be proud of not being ashamed

“Mainstream people dislike homosexuality because they can’t help concentrating on what homosexual men do to one another. And when you contemplate what people do, you think of yourself doing it.  And they don’t like that. That’s the famous joke: I don’t like peas, and I’m glad I don’t like them, because if I liked them, I would eat them and I hate them”        

(Think about this one especially guys)

Ray that may be you, in what you describe you seem to be coming from experience, This is another attempt to blinker the discussion on using the word 'marriage'for homo's by now accusing all in opposition as being like Ray, closet homosexuals, if not, then is giving the impression by his own words.

It is not about feeling ashamed, we all have free choices in our life style, as we have in all other avenues.

Water off a duck's back SethImage result for water off a duck's back clipartwater off a ducks back. You won't get a fight with me,my support is for a courageous person who fights for justice. But if the cap fits draw the strings????? None of the other men are protesting likeyou, hmmmm!!!! Have a nice day

Ray you mistake 'protesting' for stirring the pot....

agree with all you say RAY,      think the subject has been done and dusted,       we will never all agree on this,   or any other subject,     some very good posts on what is a very contraversial matter,

I think that Ray is queer

Shame on ya Davey,you broke your promise.You said if I kept this video of you secret,you wouldnt tell anyone about me,well secret is out

That is not a 72 year a old bearded burbler with a beer gut and with his watch on the right hand being left handed. So stop impersonating.

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