Gun laws

Who is going to create an America free from gun violence, where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, and in their communities.
Not while the gun lobby rules the USA government.
Some want guns for all in Australia too (David Leyonhjelm)
After the most recent slaughter of innocent civilians in USA you would think they would learn, but apparently not.
Donald Trump thinks everyone should have a gun or three so they can outshoot others.

I am glad we live in a country that has gun laws. But are they effective ?
To a certain extent I suppose but I am interested in your opinions.


All I know is I would rather live in Australia than America.   I never go out the door thinking I may be shot!

It's good to live in a culture where you can safely assume that the majority of people are not carrying guns around. I did read somewhere though that Australia is the 6th or 7th highest importer of guns globally and only about 1% of the imports are for services of policing and security. Was surprised to read that....bit worrying! Where are all these guns? Howard's buy back happened a long time ago and I have to wonder where our country stands now on the issue of gun ownership and gun control laws.

... heard the other day there are over 6,000 guns "unaccounted" for in Australia?  Guess thats not a "lot" in the grand scheme of things - or maybe it is?  I don't know??   Wonder how "they" know that kind of figure?  Interesting .......

'A Senate committee noted that the Australian Crime Commission's estimate of 260,000 guns unaccounted for in the Australia community was "a conservative estimate"

'Almost 11,000 licensed firearms have reportedly gone "missing" in South Australia over the past decade'.

That's a lot of guns. Wonder where they are or who has them.


LOL - was only out by approx. 254,000 - ooops!   :-)   Now that many is a concern !

As long as the majority of killings are baddies knocking off baddies (for drug debts etc).

It is when guns are used on people going about their work (i.e. holds up at service stations, shops, banks, home invasions ) that annoys the hell out of me.

Why do ordinary people want fire arms?  If you home is invaded, you are not legally able to defend yourself.  BUT, If you shoot & kill the bastards, there are no witnesses for the prosecution.  We now have gun laws that make certain that Law abiding people in Australia, do not own guns.  Under our new system, only the Police, the Military & the criminals have guns.


Plenty of law abiding Australian citizens have guns Ken.


Since you appear to "know" about our country's gun laws Innes could you please explain to the rest of us from where comes your statement: "We now have gun laws that make certain that Law abiding people in Australia, do not own guns" ? In other words, source please? Do you have one or are you as usual making things up?

LOL Robi,

I don't think you will get a sensible reply - if you were to get a reply at all  :)

I have friends who have legally licensed guns, as they are neither Police or Military that must make them Licensed Criminals?


I bet I don't get a reply Gerry. If one turns up it will provide another laugh. Looks like many farmers and hunters and gun enthusiasts are deemed by Innes to be criminals.

Geoff, I apologise for not including the licensed gun owners, such as farmers in the legal list.  You are correct Robi.  Why should I make your smart arse remark worth while?

BTW, the Australian Institute of Criminology reported in part:-

The Crime Commission's evidence to the Senate that only a small percentage of illicit guns were imported came from its trace database.

Dr Bricknell took the trace database records of 2,750 firearms seized up to 2012 and analysed their sources in a 2012 report.

I used to know a gun trader who told me that he loved the new gun laws as he now sold twice as many for double the price.

Well said usual you always provide the real facts.


I owned a rifle most of my adult life.

It was just part of my tool kit. I found myself in remote areas from time to time and the rifle was there if I got stuck, to gain attention or something for the pot.

I never saw it as a weapon as such. Of my own volition I handed it in to the local police station in more recent times as I no longer had a use for it. My license was also cancelled.

Take it easy.



I saw on T.V. the other day a Gun fair, not sure if it was on in Sydney. Anyway, some were very powerful looking rifles and the reporter asked some folks how many guns they owned. Some said 4 others wouldn't answer. The sad part of the interview was when the camera turned to a young lad about 14 years old and he set up the sight of the powerful rifle and aimed it at the camera, it made me feel very uneasy. When my boys were little they had pop guns and cap guns as most kids did in the 60's, and I  said never point it at people's faces it's very dangerous. I also know of someone who has a few rifles, he says he goes pig shooting in the bush, he can become very belligerent when he has a few drinks. I think anyone applying for a gun licence should have a psychological test as well.                                                                

I totally agree with you HOLA...anyone applying for a gun licence should indeed not only have a psychological test...but their past history should be taken into account.

It is truly amazing what is available in the States.  I visited a gun shop in Dallas last year when I was over there.  I got to hold a 3 shot revolver that fired 50Cal bullets.  It would have weighed over 3 K's, with a 9 inch barrel & would just about stop an elephant.  Apparently, obtaining a license for that monster is not at all difficult.

Thea I agree with what you said about the gun check

I would like to have a pistol with what is taking place in this country these days -- what do you do if the like of this take place -- they break into your home and don't care if they kill or maim you -- if they break in you should be able to defend yourself IMO  Don't people agree with this!?


I think they way the USA sells guns to ANYONE and has NO rules at all is very silly BUT I agree that people should be able to defend themselves --

Gun Control Dictator Style - Tyrants Who Banned Firearms Before Slaughtering The People


This happened MANY times

I found this article from the ABC the most disturbing thing I've read for a while. The behaviour of some people is appalling IMO.

Thats darn rough, poor parents having to cope with that !

The mentality of "some" Amercians leave me scratching my head.  


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