Are You Colorblind? Do This Test.

Just mucking about on computer,i tried this test online,took about 5 minutes,killed a bit of time and found out i am not colorblind,my score was 35.

Have to cut and paste link.





Thanks, King Billy.

A pleasant diversion and a bit of fun.  I wonder how other males on this thread will do.

Did the link work ok and what was your score??

The link worked fine.  I've yet to determine my score.

236 for me ,is that good or bad ? 

Isent it supposed to be "zero"????

43 for me, thanks Billy.

That is very good result Viv :)

You should take up art as a hobby

Oh well, seeing as it's still a long way from 1,2000 whatever ..I s'pose it's not too bad, may be that's why in winter I find myself wearing odd coloured socks.. LOL

Maggs :)

You think you have problems - I find myself wearing odd scuffs - Sweet Thing switches them whist I am multi tasking of watching the news, having breakfast and getting dressed. Little mutt.

Try this Maggs,I cant see the star?

Try and find a circle, star, and/or square in 3 seconds.

Nor me Billy, just yellow square and brown circle... is it a trick question?

Dont think so,it says star at the top of it,i just copied it as it is?


It just means that you are colour normal but using an artisan for for an optometrist makes me wonder about ...... LOL

"Colorblind individuals should see the yellow square. Color normal individuals should see the yellow square and a "faint" brown circle."

Great thread Billy

Thanks for that bit of info Abby . I already knew I was colour blind but scored 114 on the test . I see only the square , no circle .

Funny thing I wear specs to read only . When I last had a test I was told I had twenty twenty vision , see same thing the same way with both eyes . So it wasn,t what I thought , 20/20 vision means good perception but you still might need reading glasses .

Yes Geoff :)

20/20 does not necessarily mean perfect vision. 20/20 vision only indicates the sharpness or clarity of vision at a distance. I suppose in metric it is 6/6 vision

Both the square and the circle are quite outstanding for me

120 but my finger was stuck in nose that caused me to squint 

Try this...  12 or 13



If it were not for the Mentalist shortly I would be at this all night :)

Maggy, That's diabolical.

Can see the yellow square and brown circle.

I see both 12 & 13


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