Since I put a recent post up about this things have become worse.  I see where two doctors who went over to Liberia to help out 

"Washington: Two Americans involved in the treatment of Ebola victims in Liberia have become infected with the West African epidemic.

As of July 20, the number of Ebola cases recorded in the months-long epidemic was 1093, including more than 660 deaths in the worst outbreak of the haemorrhagic fever on record, according to the WHO.

Dr Kent Brantly, a former GP in Fort Worth, Texas, became the third senior doctor in less than a week to fall ill with the virus he was trying to treat in others. Dr Samuel Brisbane, from Liberia, died on Saturday at a clinic in the country's capital, Monrovia.

Sierra Leone's leading Ebola specialist, Dr Sheikh Umar Khan, also tested positive last week, and is being treated at a Medecins Sans Frontieres clinic. He is expected to survive."

I did hear the wife of the doctor and his children flew home a week ago but they are being monitored as it does take time for ebola to show up.

Goodness knows why he would take his family there in the first place?

I certainly hope that authorities at airports are being extra vigilant as it would only take one infected person to spread this terrible thing around the world.


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I would be more than happy to go into involuntary quarantine if I was returning from Ebola infected areas.  Surely it is commonsense on a number of fronts.

Yes I agree with you Radish

People exposed to the Ebola Virus should have to go into compulsory quarantine.

We need this to reduce population

Potential Cure

“... One potential cure is available in great quantities—the blood of survivors. On December 8th the first clinical trials of blood transfusions started in Sierra Leone,” Amy reports. 

“The experiment is led by local doctors, who say they can no longer bear to sit by as countrymen succumb to the disease,” she writes. “If the blood trials show a benefit, the therapy could be scaled up fairly fast—without having to pass through the regulatory process and price negotiations involved with pharmaceuticals. ...”   (15.12.2014)

Click on picture for more

Saw the "60 Minutes" section on the Ebola crisis last night - what an amazing woman that "Anne" nurse was from W.A.!  If anyone was "meant to be there for a reason" - she was!!  What a wonderful and beautiful person!!

What astounded me was the shocking conditions these people are working under (and dying under)  and the terrible terrible makeshift "hospitals" where they are trying to treat these poor souls!  Appalling to say the least!  Where has the millions of $$$$'s gone that the world sent to West Africa for immediate aid???  Surely that hasn't been used inappropriately??  Beats me!   

As good as the Red Cross volunteers are to them it does not stop them from being attacked

and hampering their good work.

Ebola health workers have been the victims of mob attacks across Guinea caused by false rumours spread by opposition politicians ... reminds me of the politicians here.

"The latest of these rumours - that the Red Cross was intentionally spraying schoolchildren with the virus - spread chaos in the capital Conakry and the region of Faranah last week, resulting in violent attacks against the organisation workers."


The girls are from a family of five who had arrived back in Australia on Etihad Airways flight EY460 after spending time in the West African country of Guinea.

Although now several Australians have been tested for Ebola since the deadly outbreak in West Africa last year, there have been no positive results recorded in Australia.

 What is going on ???
Is the Government playing Russian Roulette with our lives ??? 

Surely all visiting countries that are afflicted by this terrible virus should have to go into compulsory quarantine as part of procedure. 

Once a cure is found it will be a different story.

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