ABC "LATELINE " - Tonight (Thurs.) 10.30PM - Live Export Disgust!!

 "ANIMALS AUSTRALIA"  -  have just managed to get Lateline to air this critical story regarding the latest cruel atrocities inflicted on animals exported from Australia into the Middle East....

The way these poor and helpless animals are brutalised by "humans" is horrific and totally appalling!!!

Once again the Australian Government has FAILED on it's PROMISE to ACT!

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What spans 1,600 hectares, cost $2.2 billion to build, and potentially fries hundreds of thousands of birds per year?
The new BrightSource solar power plant in California’s Mojave Dessert. The plant, which uses some 350,000 garage-door-sized mirrors to focus sunlight on three boiler towers, also acts as a death ray, instantly igniting and killing any wildlife that happen to fly through the intense beam of light. Wildlife officials are concerned that this concentrated solar power plant, and others like it, could turn into “mega-trap” that decimates the ecosystem — first attracting insects, and then attracting birds that eat insects.
BrightSource, in the mean time, is forging ahead with an even larger solar power plant that officials say could kill four times as many birds.
Won’t somebody stop these not-so-green nature-killing maniacs?

Thanks for that link Pete, I have often stated that these things would devestate other life

There are those who support a source of fossil-free renewable energy. There are those who think the turbines are beautiful, and those who believe they’re a blight on the landscape. There are those who claim adverse health effects from extended exposure to the turbines. There are those who complain about the noise. And then there are birders—of which I am one. Most of us are conflicted. We desperately want to support clean, green energy sources, but we cannot accept any more man made structures that kill and injure our birdlife.

I agree with you Pete anything that hurts wild life I have no time for --we --- humans -- are not the only things on this planet that matter, in fact I have more feelings for the wild life and Animals than I do for humans

Agrees totally!!  It is humans on this Planet that destroy just about everything (including each other) ...

Thank you, Pete.

Our wildlife has to be protected.

With modern developments and the technology at our disposal, I don't believe that with considered thought, destruction of wildlife cannot be averted.

I have already written to my local MP Davey buit thank for the site anyway

I've posted it around the world........We are still so backward here and profit takes the place of humanity.......we should be ashamed.

Thanks for the link Davey

Go to this site and write to your own MP.


The way they allow to treat animals make you ashamed to be Australian.

Sign the petition on link below

A bump for animals

Well I have emailed my Local MP many times regarding the treatment of animals within the Live Export Trade - to no avail. (not even a "generic" reply) but - after the 4Corners Special (last year) I emailed "Julia" and at least her "office" had the decency to reply!  I was amazed actually.....never ever give up!!    

Onya Davey !!!  :-)  :-)

Bump again

I can live with animals .........not humans

The poor animals .

just helping the bump

That explains a lot .,,,

Twila regarding your road kill , if you live near a Solar plant it will already be cooked .,,

Or near a windmill it will be minced .. 


please don't be so disrespectful towards animals.

Youve already hurt planB's feelings

Perhaps plan B could attend a cock fight on Bali .. Or watch an animal Sacifice . 

NO Pete I would be more likely to commit murder by taking out those that do such things --same as Bull fighting, I always cheer when I see those mongrels gord

Be careful what you eat plan B 

Every year, 100,000 dogs are inhumanely slaughtered in Bali and carved up for consumption in around 100 dog meat warungs (cafes) across the tourist island.

Leading animal rights advocate the Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA) today released the results of 2 years of investigative research into the shocking dog meat (RW) trade on the Island of the Gods.

Through undercover operations in all 9 Bali regencies over 2 years, BAWA has located and secured details of 70 dog meat warungs across the island and estimates there are 30 more. BAWA has complete information on 90% of the 70 warungs that it can pinpoint on the map of Bali.

BAWA’s findings include 100,000 dogs are slaughtered in Bali every year for sale in RW restaurants.

100% of dogs are inhumanely killed.

70% are butchered alive: They are lassoed and partially strangled before their body parts are hacked off while they are alive.
25% are poisoned.
1% are shot with air rifles.
4% are inhumanely killed using other methods.

As usual you two brainless morons have to turn the topic into a farce,

It always was a farce , as are your extreme racists remarks , yet effected care of animals...

Yes Pete I know about what horrific things are done in such places as Bali etc etc --they are nothing more than barbarians, I will not be going there because of the way they are, although I am sure the country there is amazing

Pete :)

I do hope Bookwyrm reads your post before leaving for Bali

This sounds like a good spot plan B . I think the Aussies getting off the plane with a box of beer under each arm and heading to Kuta have done a lot of damage 


Off the beaten track, in the foothills that fringe the north coast of Bali, Villa Manuk is surrounded by beautiful countryside, tucked away in an idyllic valley of terraced rice fields. Backed by mountainous hills and forest, it is the ideal place for nature lovers who wish to discover the country life of Bali. Here life moves at a gentle pace. Paths meander through the rice fields, a tiny village, and around the valleys, following the contours of the hills.

Nestled just outside the village at the top of the valley, looking out over rice fields, is Villa Manuk. The comfortably appointed bedrooms open onto large verandahs with views over the adjoining fields to the hills beyond. Comfortably furnished, the verandahs are perfectly secluded, ideal for relaxing with a book, sketching or writing. The garden path leads to a separate open-air kitchen, equipped with all the facilities for cooking. The villa is taken care of by a capable English-speaking housekeeper who cooks, cleans and is also happy to guide you on excursions.

Back to exporting of live animals. Have signed petition as we have seen in other things they can have an affect. 

Hate seeing the Road Trains and Ships out of Fremantle packed solid with the poor animals that have a nightmare journey and then in all likelihood a horrific end. Beats me how using Halal Abatoirs here and then freezing and transport in much smaller refrigerated/freezer ships necessary and much less loss of livestock in transportation cannot work out cheaper when wastage is taken into account. If NZ does it why can't we?


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