Crikey greed is rampant we know but this bad ?

Guess we are not alone in seeing the effect of the last 40 years of left wing political correctness, dont smack their bottoms, dont tell them they cant spell, no punishments whatsoever - always right and wrinklies always wrong all coming home to roost in out of control due to that first smack on the bum when little foot stamps down and say to parent on being told to do something - NO. If that is not stopped and he/she gets away with it - no self discipline because we all got our bums smacked or legs in my case back of calf very painful, so next time you went to be naughty and not do as told, the pain came to mind and you stopped. Thats the start of self discipline which today they say does not exist. Nuns in school also wacked back of legs and their hands were harder than mums - sure made us little Angels! Even the boys as they were in prep school til age 8.


Anyway gobsmacked at this story all over Britain people fighting over TV's only down 60 pounds or so - ok good price but would you risk life and limb as these people did?


Or is it the stupid virus that say has been quietly infecting people all over the world? Sure would explin a lot of dumb clucks around and inept performances over last years and in high places too. But hospitals as well see ACA ppl go and come out injured due to lack of discipline and application to their jobs with one mad left his arms dangling over sides of operating table for 10 hours so lost the use of them and no one noticed?????


Look at this pics and btw bookmark this Daily mail its a window on what is coming down the line to us here in Oz or what is happening currently

Jus think of those credit cards and having to pay them off in 2015, and stay home. I used to be gobsmacked doing real estate and seeing lists of presents wanted on fridges in homes from kids bike etc today I reckon they say CAR. and Get One too!!


Look at the idiots pushing an showing each other - and black Friday it is - hope this stupidity never reaches our shores.

Why would the English copy what the Americans are doing ????

.......and white Friday too!!


Apparently some Americans now want to change the name of the the day after Thanksgiving to Brown Friday from Black Friday

I thought it was called Black Friday, mourning day for the turkey

that did not get pardoned on the Thanksgiving Day?

Good news though, this Thanksgiving Day Obama pardoned both of the turkeys to live out their natural life.

One can only rejoice that it is not called 'rabbit" day

Most of those shoppers looked like low paid workers / low class / or dole bludgers.

They had ( last time I was there) about 250 channels to watch.

Here there are many things to do for entertainment but not over there.

Black Friday

"The day's name originated in Philadelphia, PA, where it originally was used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic that would occur on the day after Thanksgiving.[6][7]Use of the term started before 1961 and began to see broader use outside Philadelphia around 1975. Later an alternative explanation was made: that retailers traditionally operated at a financial loss ("in the red") from January through November, and "Black Friday" indicates the point at which retailers begin to turn a profit, or "in the black".[6][8]

Looks to me then that Rupert and Gina never got a smack on the backside. Yes greed is rampant.

America must be horrified at how Gina has effected their 300 million population.  Aren't we lucky that Gerry never had sufficient brains to join the greedy rich in Australia.

Are insults your usual way of replying ?

I am really pleased that your remarks about 2 really great Australians, Gina & Rupert were not insulting Gerry.  I obviously missread.  Sorry.


I was tempted to write a list of why Gina is not great in any sense of the word but thought it better to ask why you would consider her to be a great Australian. I am not sure if the comment was tongue in cheek or a bait to Gerry.

Rupe has achieved a lot for himself and family but great Australian ?

Are you one of the "greedy rich" Innes. Business must be good??????

To answer the post;   I agree that greed is rampant and good manners are virtually non existant in today's society (for a great many that is...not all!).

There is no way I would go to any after Xmas sales or anything like that just to save a few dollars.   

Nothing I need that would make me go through all the stress of pushing, shoving and down right rudeness.

Greed is Good.

When you get right down to it, everyone is greedy.

Those of who who say otherwise are liars.

How can someone equate good with everyone is greedy ? Just as easy to say greed is bad  and when you get right down to it everyone is greedy. Greed is greed and is one of the seven deadly sins.

7 Deadly Sins??? What are you talking about? 

Greed is Good - Gordon Gekko.

It makes the world go round. 

Ra Ra Rasputin, Foo ManChu, Popeye.
How many more nicks do you have ?

Only Drew, Kate, Mr.Bean and Lushie can answer that question 

Greed is good????Look what it's done to you popeye/pete

Do I know you?

Another "new" troll on this site. Which hole did you crawl out of?

Ha ha ha !

Considering the topic an interesting article thats worth a read.

In 1976, Daniel Bell published a book called The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. Bell argued that capitalism undermines itself because it nurtures a population of ever more self-gratifying consumers. These people may start out as industrious, but they soon get addicted to affluence, spending, credit and pleasure and stop being the sort of hard workers capitalism requires.


Geoff, in 1976 Daniel wrote a book that over 20 years sold well under 1 million copies to the academic world & you are quoting him as the writer of the new cultural Bible.  Fifty Shades of Grey sold well over 100 million copies in less than 1/10th the time & not to academics.  Does that prove that women like to be whipped?    WELL!!!!!!...... MAYBE!!!!!!!


Brooks the author of the article does not endorse Bell and I am not either. Never heard of him before reading the article. The article is about greed , China and having some basic human qualities to guide lives. Brooks says Bell got it wrong or part of it wrong.


Does that prove that women like to be whipped?   

WELL!!!!!!...... MAYBE!!!!!!!


Tickled with a feather ... MAYBE!!!!!!!

Capitalism is well and truly alive and thriving.

Only proven system that creates sustainable prosperity and improves quality of life.

Isn't it a real pity that they got rid of Communism in Russia.  If it had been kept, there is a really good chance that the Russian people would have had 2 shoes by now.

BTW Abby, it is a well known fact that over 80 million of the Shades of Grey books were bought by women.  According to Geoff's logic, that just might prove something.  I have never had a woman give me a feather & tell me that I was to use it!!!!

I wasn,t aware I had espoused any logic notions or ideas Ken. I put up an article that explores greed and human satisfaction , lack of. It IMO contributed to the thread.


One of the disadvantages of being commited -don't get to go out with too many chicks 

OK Geoff.  But let me remind you that in the Communist days of Russia, The people either were in the forces, or they were friends of the Union thugs, who were very greedy & did not believe in Communism or Socialism.

I am curious Abby.  Just what do you do with a feather???  I just love kinky women !!!!


I used to chat with a bloke who sold a red rag in the pub. I could never convince him that human nature means the communism ideal can never function in practice. The same malaise happens in capitalism or dictatorships, giving a nephew an undeserved job, syphoning off illicit moneys. Thats why some red tape is needed to help capitalism work better and no amount of red tape helps communism work better because the heads only apply it to the underlings.

Have a glass of Wild Turkey and think about it ...

I am sure you will find a solution


I am just on half way through the bottle of Turkey Abby, & come up with some really interesting possibities.  Do nice, well brought up girls REALLY do THAT?  WOW!!!

There is more greed in socialist,communist and dictatorships than capitalist countries.

Only difference is that greed knows no bounds in the non capitalist countries and wealth is in the hands of the greedy leadership.

They said the same thing about Soloman, and it's not true, pop...


If you had mentioned Lee Kuan Yew in the first instance, I would have agreed with you. You have to admit however that he is probably the first and the last dictator that you could call "benevolent"  Singapore just doesn’t fit the world’s categories of dictators. It’s a "dictatorship" with free speech, no fear, and no corruption. It’s an economy that uses capitalist means to attain socialist ends. Great!

Lee Kuan Yew was able to do this because he modelled the new Singapore on his ideals of Switzerland. There is no other dictator to my knowledge who can fall into this category, perhaps you can tell me if there is.



Free speech- WRONG

No Fear - WRONG

No Corruption - WRONG!!!

3 strikes, you're out!!!


You wait till Fleur comes and finds you picking onto Micha, then you will be in trouble

All the spinach is addling your brain mate. Suggestion: Tourniquet arms so that brain has chance to go to head.

Is mommy coming to tuck little Micha under her nightie.


You are absolutely correct about Singapore.

The Press is also government controled, tightly so.  

There is no age limit to be called up in times of conflict.  If a man has an Singapore ID, he is required to serve if necessary, even with one foot in the grave.                                                 

If you look at it with an open mind Geoff, you will come to realise that the economy works much better under a dictator than an elected Government.  The dictator actually collects a lot less money than the hundreds of elected officials with all their noses in the trough.  I am not silly enough to suggest that it applies in Australia, but just have a look at the USA.  Compare the ordinary homes of a 20 year career teacher with the mansions of any 20 year career cop.  They collect similar pay.

Are you for real man?  Quote: economy works much better under a dictator.

Put away the wild turkey you're going bonkers mate, bonkers I tell you.

Geoff, your mind would have to be as open as the seven seas to even contemplate what he has said.

Innes stick to reading Fifty Shades of Grey. Might be more to your very basic understanding, mate.

You would know Micha.  The most financially successful Country in modern history was run by a dictator by the name of Lee Kuan Yew.    BTW Can you ever express an opinion or are you only capable of telling every body else that they are wrong?

Appears we have a new troll in our midst.

Another sad little fella who takes delight in belittling others.

Sure sign of inferiority complex

Welcome back Soloman. Does Mussi know you've touched down mate??

Where's Soloman BTW.?Heard he's met a girl in Malacca and they left town on an alpaca. Any truth in that??

No truth is your summation at all Micha

Solomon is with me on Central Coast looking after my chickens if you must know - never went to Malacca at all :)

I think Solly has popped back as Popeye.

GD is that true? I know you only tell the truth unless it's a lie, tell me it is not so,

Calm down Seth "Solomon" for Abby is probably another rooster like her beautiful rooster Aqua named after a Forum member, now he was a real beauty fantastic feather colouring. 

I'm thinking. I'm thinking. That you're right Robi!


You know we are the only honest two members on the Forum who always tell the truth unless we tell a lie.

Of course all the other people postings are mistruths

They are not innocents like us $eth


EXCUSEEEEEE ME???  You insinuating other people are NOT honest???  I'm totally gobsmacked - dumbfounded - hurt - upset - blind-sided - sobbing - curled up in foetal position and sick of this damned HEAT n HUMIDITY in Melbourne tonight!  Arrgghhh it is soooooo HOTTTTTTTTTT  lol lol lol 

You never see the Fox post at this time of night! lol - it's so hot hot hot ..ok - night!  :-)

No idea - night Pete!

Isn't Malacca a song ? Ma la ca ....

Scuzi ?

Yes where is Suzy ?

Foxy :)

We do like you but you surely must understand there can only be two innocents on one Forum ?? And you know your reputaion precedes the fox.

Hope you had a good night's rest in spite of the heat.


The last I heard of Suzy is when you mentioned her joining you and innes for a beer ..... what have you done with her  .... she has not been heard or sighted since .....did you people have an argument over Politics ???


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