The Age tells Aussies they sound dumb and drunk

Still, better than telling the readers that they sound dumb and drunk. The Age, also yesterday:

Aussie-speak developed in the early days of colonial settlement from a cocktail of English, Irish, Aboriginal and German — before another mystery influence was slipped into the mix. The Australian alphabet cocktail was spiked by alcohol. Our fore­fathers regularly got drunk together and through their frequent inter­actions unknowingly added an ­alcoholic slur to our national speech patterns … From generation to generation, drunken Aussie-speak continues to be taught by sober parents to their children. The average Australian speaks to just two-thirds capacity … Given that articulation is a functional product of our neuromuscular network, it is possible that our national speech impediment is a symptom of inferior brain functioning.



Given the isolation and different nature of the colonies around Australia it would be more likely that no universal language came into existance until the 1950s at best when people did start to travel and settle in other states.

Gold rushes did have some effect in the very early years but there was long periods of little movement.

I noticed quite a difference in language between Western Australia and NSW in 1958, not only in the words used but pronunciation.

Language is a constant evolving thing and to propose that our language has been static since the early days of settlement is way off the mark especially considering the variation in our migration over the years.

Just a story to fill pages in a newspaper I feel.

Take it easy.


Yes I agree there were regional differences , when I lived in Queensland in the 60s they would refer to suitcases as Ports short for portmanteau and say disconcertingly "Hooray" when departing ..

but for the Age to say that we have a National Speech impediment due to a  inferior brain function is a Fairfaxian mispeak. 


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