Ban on Muslim Immigration - Poll Results

Federal Labor has cautioned against the findings of a poll showing almost half of all Australians want a ban on Muslim immigrants.

Forty-nine per cent of people surveyed in an Essential poll agreed that Muslims should be blocked from the country while 40 per cent disagreed with the idea. There was 60 per cent support for the ban among coalition voters, 40 per cent from Labor and a surprising 34 per cent from Greens voters.

News 21/09/2016

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There has been a bi partisan agreement on immigration that allowed up to 200,000 a year immigrants from 193 different countries to come and successfully integrate.
This was broken by Labor allowing 50,000 to decide that they wished to live here against our agreement ..

Half of Australia supports Pauline Hanson’s call to end Muslim migration, according to a poll released last week.



Sixty per cent of all Australians say they would be concerned if a relative married a Muslim, according to a new university research project tracking attitudes to Islam.

It also found that more than a third of people would not object to Muslims being searched more thoroughly at airports than other people.

The survey also found a large proportion of people did not express any disagreement when presented with what could be considered Islamophobic statements. They included:

practicing Muslims do not fit Australian society (41 per cent either agreed or were undecided)practicing Muslims pose a threat to Australian society (40 per cent); practicing Muslims should be searched more thoroughly than others in airports and stations (36 per cent.)

Read somewhere recently that since Denmark "tightened" up welfare there has been a 2/3rd drop in applications for asylum in that country.


that would be rright labor supports refugees because they are all vote labor 

I think that we are being terribly unfair on the left wing do gooders.  It should be put to the vote under democratic principles.  We can ask all working & aged pension retirees to donate $100 per week, voluntary, of course.  For every 10 volunteers, we can allow 1 economic refugee in.  That is 3 volunteers for the unemployment benefit & 7 volunteers for the Unionised administration costs.  Oops, I forgot to take into account the cost of housing, medical, cigarettes & mobile phones.  DAMN.  But, I am certain that if we start with the teachers, we will get enough volunteers to bring in 2.  All right, all right, I'm sorry.  How about 1 then?

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