Aussies anxious about bad breath

A national survey has found almost eight in 10 Aussies believe they have bad breath to some degree and are equally anxious about it; so much so they would prefer to confront a friend about their partner cheating. 

The report commissioned by Listerine explored the state of bad breath anxiety in Australia, uncovering the broader social impacts the issue can have.

A fear of bad breath is one of the most anxiety inducing social situations for a large majority of Australians, the survey found.

In fact, bad breath anxiety is so severe that Aussies are more fearful of being told they have poor smelling breath or telling a friend they had bad breath than being bitten by a spider or public speaking to a group of people.

Australian dentist and oral hygiene expert, Dr David Hills said, “Bad breath is definitely up there with the most common reasons for patients coming into the clinic.

“More and more, we’re seeing patients anxious about their breath and desperately looking for effective solutions, for everyday situations. Sometimes there’s a health reason contributing to bad breath, but often it’s also needing to improve their daily oral care routines.

“It might seem trivial, but we can all relate to the embarrassment of being called out for having bad breath in an intimate situation. What is concerning is the extent of anxiety caused, by worrying about having fresh breath all the time and being prepared in any situation.”

The survey found 81 per cent of Australians are going out of their way to avoid being caught out and unprepared with bad smelling breath.

In fact, over half of them are changing their regular social behaviour and would go as far as cancelling a date, staying home, not eating or dodging a conversation.

Just 17 per cent of Aussies are excusing themselves to brush their teeth, yet one in four will avoid eating certain foods they enjoy, saving the embarrassment and anxiety associated of bad breath.

Have you ever changed the way you behaved in public over a fear of bad breath? 


NO,   i have never been over anxious about it,   my teeth are clean,  and i gargle before i go out,   i find more of a problem is being on a tram or bus and being shoved next to someone with B,O,    when i worked in the city and had to get the tram home,   it was vile,   usually had to stand,   and only being JUST 5ft,    i found i just fitted under someones armpit,    garlic breath had nothing on some of these prople,     it was because of this my eldest daughter got her first car,    her first job was at a bank,  in the city,   and public transport home,    didnt do it for long,   and she was out getting a car,     


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