Baby Boomers are Australia’s biggest boozers

Do you feel like you may have over-indulged a little over the weekend? A new report shows that you may not be alone.

A new report has found that Baby Boomers are Australia’s biggest boozers.

The Australian Consumer Drinking Habits study found that one in four people aged 60-69 said they drank alcohol most days, compared with one in 12 aged under 30.

The report focused on how frequently alcohol was bought and consumed rather than amounts consumed.

“What we found was that older, not younger, people drank more often, and most drinking occurs at home, ­particularly among heavier drinkers,” report author Graeme Philipson said.

“Most drinkers drink at home, with over a quarter (27.6 per cent) saying they drink at home a few times a week, and 18.3 per cent saying they drink at home most days,” Mr Philipson said.

The report was based on 1027 responses to an online survey. Most people who took part were aged 40-69.



Absolute nonsense .. And he new generation are smart clever and pragmatic .


Yes Ben... I do agree with the topic heading " Baby Boomers are Australia's biggest boozers"...but would add to that "elderly" Australians are catching up at a terrific rate...

When we think about those who experience harm caused by alcohol..most people think about young people. However, you say..Australian data show the rate of risky drinking among young people has been decreasing while risky drinking among older adults has been increasing. Older people are out drinking the millennials!

Data also show the same is happening in England and in the older age group..alcohol related hospital admissions have increased by sixty four per cent !! They are at their highest level in history.

Back in Australia..most troubling was the finding that the prevalence of binge drinking among older women is increasing dramatically..far faster than it is among older men.

What older people (especially women) don’t realise is..the body becomes less effective at metabolising alcohol..add medications to that and existing health conditions and it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Most worrying thing is when grandma and grandpa stop to have a drink while looking after the kids. Pretty scary situation...

Thea, you are so right about some women drinking more than men these days. Guess it's their way of "catching up." I saw a lot of this happening in our capital city and can tell you there are a lot of bored housewives around.

Take a good look at that picture above. I bet you didn't notice grandma's glass is emptying quicker than granddad's. She already has a glazed look and I hope to goodness she isn't driving. Notice how they're feeding that hapless kid chocolate to keep him quiet.

I know of Two Baby Boomers Who  had only 2 /375ml beers and the same vodka/orange drinks maybe a couple of small glasses of in the past 6 months.

Given what we had in past 6 months there a lot of Boozers.

Some years we do not have any alcohol at all.

Do not miss it at all, the only problem is soft drinks are charge the same rate as alcoholic drinks at some venues.  RIPPED OFF as no taxes are imposed on soft drink/ fruit juice. 


instead of letting these clubs and restaurants get a way with making huge profits from soft drinks and water , better to drink the alcohol 

This topic is not a "joking" matter Raphael. Might be a good idea if you treat it with some respect.

Of course the 18.3% who say they drink at home on most days would include those like myself who have been advised by their doctor to drink red wine to help their high cholesterol levels. One glass of red with dinner every night puts you into this category but this is not over indulging and if you stick to just one glass a day, particularly red wine, then it is actually good for you. The problem is actually the lack of self-discipline. As for the increase in the number of older women drinking and possibly drinking heavily, they, like the men, are probably just drowning their sorrows, which could be mainly due to a lack of a life style due to a lack of money and possibly descent male companionship.

as I understand there is a real problem with older women drinking, your last comment about not having a male to provide more money and a better life style is very interesting. I hope they are at least staying sober enough to feed the cats. ;)

The doctor recommending drinking red wine to "help high cholesterol" is interesting. The evidence for that is pretty shaky. 

It seems that on balance a glass a night is fine and if you were drinking anyway limiting to that is a good idea, but you wouldn't want to take up drinking just for the health benefits. The potential downside of the alcohol is not worth the (as yet unproven) upside of the other ingredients.

Maybe we baby boomers are the biggest drinkers because we have the most stress caused by Government letting our pensions fall behind and making us work longer for them.

Yep it's the Government's fault if we drink too much:)

Where do you think I got my name from.

I'm in the fitness business and have been trained to detect the "drinkers" who come into my gym. Sad to say I've had to ban three women over the last year from using the gym on a Monday morning. Why? Because it was plain to see these women have been binge drinking over the weekend and they are all baby boomers. Not only were they a danger to themselves but to others because alcohol after a bingeing session is still in the system the day after as we know.

I recently went to church and the woman beside me absolutely reeked of booze from the night before , she was plainly putting on a good face but was having a hard time holding it together. I have to say I felt more than a little sorry for her.

She made it to church the next morning .

thats saying something about her will power

judge not ....

Herein lies the answer:

Image result for how do you know when a woman is drunk

Oh for goodness, bless my 'sole or tickle my fancy, do anything you like you pompous, sanctimoneous gits posting herein - getting a real life might be good for starters. So what if too many of a particular demographic enjoy a daily tipple. Most, probably do so within the privacy of their own home and without imposing any drunken behaviour on the public, which is more than can be said of todays' bingeys and the associated; king hits, hit and runs, traffic violations, urinating/vomiting in public places, kicking the cat, wife/child beating or presenting to hospital emergency wards as a result and so on and so forth.

Alcohol and the consumption thereof may well be considered a social pathogen, so what ? It almost seems nowadays even the slightest indulgence - of anyone of many temptations - is considered taboo, particularly for those of us in our autumn years. Well; you, them and/or anyone otherwise of the finger wagging, holier than thou pontificating pricks that presume to tell others how they should conduct themselves, let me tell you: I'll find my own way to hell and in all probability you lot may well be there before me, or so I hope.

Now after that rant I need some 'hair of the dog' to settle the effect of D.T's resulting from the last session. 



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