Bizarre specialist appointment today!

I saw an eminent professor specialist today at the public hospital today. Very senior, at least in his 50s. Rushed apt, wouldn‘t listen to me, and told me I didn‘t have the chronic condition for which I have been treated with daily medication since 42. Had a lot of pain for a couple of years and then got the right magic pill at 42. From another hospital specialist. That‘s a decade ago now. However, since last October the daily magic pill has no longer been working and I suffer from severe chronic almost daily migraines again. I‘m in the 1% where it‘s horrifically painful and they ruin my life and I get them most of the month. Genetic no doubt, as my father had them.

So His Eminence tells me I don‘t have migraines, so migraine medication is useless, and it will all go away with correct sleep hygience, losing weight, using my sleep apnea machine, not drinking so much water as people have died from drinking too much water, exercise, blah blah blah. I said, but if I don‘t have migraines why have I had them since late 30s, and why does migraine medication work for me? Why was I migraine free for 8 years? And he said but they don‘t work do they, as you feel sick and you have headaches.

He only saw me for about less than 15 mins and wouldn‘t let me talk.

The fact is, after 5 months of daily pain I went to see a private neurologist as I hadn‘t heard from the hospital about an apt. He doubled the daily dosage as a trail. It has got rid of 50% of the migraines. He has a lot of other meds to try.

I was thinking of cancelling the public apt I got for November finally, when I was offered the cancellation on Friday.

But then I thought I had better take it as I only have the dsp pension as income, 25% goes on rent, I have large medical and dental expenses this year, and can I afford to keep seeing the private specialist.

Well, after a short rushed apt with a rude condescending powerful professor who gave me that bizarre diagnosis and didn‘t want to see me again I will certainly be staying private.

He got angry when I told him I had gone private once. He snapped, what are you doing here then? I explained I hadn‘t heard from the hospital, didn‘t know how long the wait was, was in unbearable daily pain. But as my only income was a disability pension I had to consider could afford private.

Then he said he was going to send a letter to my GP and the private neurolist, who he ofcourse knew who he was.

When I went away I got really mad. I thought, he is going to write to my GP and the private neurologist that I don‘t have migraines and I shouldn‘t be treated for migraines. End of story. Based on less than 15 minutes of him talking at me and not letting explain the background. I have been treated at the hospital in at least four other departments but never for migraines in neurology. So there was no history in my medical notes.

And I have never had such a bizarre experience before! This person is super senior!

Anyway, shortly after I rang the receptionist, and said, I do not give my permission to have letters sent to my gp and the private specialist. Then she said, well, he‘ll want a reason when I email him. I said I didn‘t agree with his diagnosis. Especially since I already had an extremely longstanding diagnosis, including treatment, and I couldn‘t understand how he could change that diagnose in a very short appointment when he wasn‘t even listening to me. I said I‘m not complaing but I do not give permission for those letters to be sent in the circumstances. She wouldn‘t give up and dragged the whole story out of me. She said, so I‘ll put you felt you weren‘t listened to, blah blah blah.

Great, I bet he‘ll send those letters anyway, sgj











anyway, as someone who is such a Grand Poobah are always convinced they are right. I am going to ring Hospital Complaints to make sure he cant and wont. Not going to mention his name but will ask about my rights re the letters in such a situation.

The reason I‘m so concerned is my gp is not my old lovely gp who left the practice and I don‘t have much of a relationship with the new one, and she is not much interested in me. But she is OK though quite a bit strange herself, not like my old gp.

Anyway, she doesn‘t have the expertise to treat migraines but was happy for me to see a specialist. I‘m worried she might think the Grand Poobah is right as he is a top specialist, though perhaps not in the area of migraines it would seem. And I am MAD! I  am too old to put up with this bizarre behaviour of the Grand Poobah! 

Especially as the private specialist was super, started me on meds change, and reassured me if one thing doesnt work there are other things to be tried. 


You make a complaint.  There is generally a process to do this through the hospital, and do mention his name.

As he has treated you so deplorably, you can be sure that he has done this to others as well.  Possibly has a number of complaints against his name.

He is one of the three professors and directors of that department. And I am at that hospital enough times, though never in that department, not to want to make waves. Incredible someone so high up can be so awful. I hope he doesn‘t pick on my private specialist who is quite young and said he also works at the hospital and is from overseas. Got the impression the Grand Poobah didn‘t approve of him having his own big modern sucessful practice. Hopefully he has no power over him! His facmd was thunderous when I mentioned I‘d seen him. I got the impression this man probably makes life difficult for anyone under him he doesn‘t like. I wonder how many careers he‘s ruined? Never smiled once, a super grouch, and I say it again, a brief bizarre encounter.

He is one of the three professors and directors of that department. And I am at that hospital enough times, though never in that department, not to want to make waves. Incredible someone so high up can be so awful. I hope he doesn‘t pick on my private specialist who is quite young and said he also works at the hospital and is from overseas. Got the impression the Grand Poobah didn‘t approve of him having his own big modern sucessful practice. Hopefully he has no power over him! His facmd was thunderous when I mentioned I‘d seen him. I got the impression this man probably makes life difficult for anyone under him he doesn‘t like. I wonder how many careers he‘s ruined? Never smiled once, a super grouch, and I say it again, a brief bizarre encounter.

Booky I think Twila is right you should complain this guy could be doing untold damage..


You know you are well within your rights to ask for another opinion.  You should so do.


Thanks, decided to complain after finding out to my shock that patients have no control over what a doctor puts in your medical records, or what they can put in letters to your other doctors. I have found out that patient records belong to doctors, hospitals etc and not to the patient. And it is almost or actually impossible to remove information that you think is false from your records. Or stop a doctor contacting other doctors.

This became clear after I asked the department receptionist to inform the doctor I had just seen that I did not give permission for him to write a letter to my GP. I then spoke to the hospital liason officer. And finally to the regional health area privacy officer. He said what was written in my hospital notes could not be erased but I could request to add a note of my own saying I did not agree with the diagnosis. Actually his advice was wrong as you can apply for medical notes to be deleted in certain situations. But when I brought this up, he said yes, that‘s so but in practice that almost never happens. I said I could not allow completely false medical information to be put on my hospital record or be sent to any other doctors.

What it boils down to is the patient is never believed and has control in such situations as mine.

He said to let it go, what harm could it do, and as a joke said, you should be happy you got a diagnosis! I said, a misdiagnosis!

In the USA, there would be no problem, one call from a lawyer and they would erase everything to do with that appointment. Due to threat of litigation and the huge payouts paid to plaintiffs.

As this is Australia, the patient is always in the wrong or so many obstacles are put in the way, it is usually not worth the stress. This is how bad doctors such as the Butcher of Bega get away with it.

However, I‘m stunned and angry at the situation. And will certain apply to alter or add a note of my own through the privacy offer.

The patient liason officer was not helpful at all, those letters will have been sent. So I will complain through the various proper channels here.

The situation is, he said I didn‘t get migraine headches so migraine medication must not be taken by me. And he didn‘t offer another appointment as that was that, if I followed his wacky instructions, I would never get another headache! Problem solved!

However, I have a law degree from my youthful days. I believe it is highly dangerous to have a misdiagnosis recorded and spread, due to possible medical implications for the patient. In common law, a misdiagnosis may be a tort. 











You have been through more than any average person bookwyrm and I really do hope you can get answers to your health problems.

Noone should have to live with constant pain so you do deserve to be listened to and treated accordingly.

I wish you all the best.

Book, you have been treated in a dreadful way by this arrogant bastard, do report him but be aware that they might also tell you unless you have others that have had the same treatment to stand with you, there may be little chance of doing any good.   What a mongrel of a man.  I really feel for you.

Yes, you are right. They don‘t like you to make any waves. I got alarmed when I realised my Gp and the private specialist I saw would get letters from him, saying my headaches were not migraines and for me not to take any migraine drugs and that this would also go in my hospital file. I thought I had the right not to give permission as I felt the diagnosis was incorrect. But no, a patient has no rights. And I talked to the privacy officer about this, and he said what difference does it make what‘s on my hospital file and advised me to drop it. I said I don‘t want any false information record in case of medical implications. The best I could do, according to him, was to apply through him to add a note saying I didn‘t agree with the diagnosis and why. I‘m going to apply to do that.

Bookwyrm, you have every reason to be MAD.... what kind of a person was he, anyone would be angry with the treatment you received today.... I know how bad migraines can be, they are very debilitating, I use to have them, for about 40 years and they were getting so bad I was wondering how I was going to keep going with them..... My hubby would drag me along to anyone he'd heard could fix migraines but to no avail, you name it I had it, then one day he had been talking to our mechanic (over 15 years we've known our mechanic), hubby told the mechanic I was home with a migraine, he advised he use to have migraines but a Dr here in Perth fixed him, when Hubby came home and told me about it I said no more, I'm sick of running to anyone and everyone who thinks they can fix it, no I won't be going.... Hubby in true styly made an appointment (and that's another story...), I like the good wife went along, I couldn't believe it but I haven't had one since, that was nearly 5 years ago... I was getting a migraine every few weeks, I'd be bed ridden for a week, spent that time with horendous pain in the head, felt like a jack hammer pounding away... and running to the bathroom throwing up until I was just heaving coz there was nothing left to bring up.... I couldn't eat any thing, all I could do was sip flat lemonade.... a few days after the treatment finshed with this Dr I woke up morning  and sat on the side of the bed wondering what was wrong with me, I felt so strange... I quickly realised after the 40 years I had no pain in my head at all, I was so use to having pain in my head of various degrees 24/7 that it felt so strange not to have any at all... I still get the odd headache but a couple of disprin hit it on the head and all is good.... I got my life back again.....

I will try to put up a link to this guys website, I swear by his work and know others who have had the same relief....

Good luck with what ever you choose to do regarding the treatment that you got... me personally would probably write a letter to the Hospital Board, even if this guy is on the board they still have to deal with it as inward correspondence...

Sorry the link hasn't worked,  just pop that into your browser and it will work from there..... very interesting reading......

Thanks, Deanna, yes chronic migraines ruin your life. The pain is unbearale. I will check out this link.

Thanks Abby for putting up that link.... Cheers

Booky    I am ill . 

Specialist.  No Your not .

Booky. I have been ill for 20 years 

Specialist. Your skiving 

Booky. But I was cured by a pilL 

specialist. Why are you here then 

Booky  it's come back 

Specialist no it hasn't 

Booky Yes it has 

SpeciaList your not eating right  , 

Booky How do you know 

Specialist Because you get imaginary migraine . 

Booky Its Real and I am in a lot of pain , 

Speciallist What side do you sleep . 

Booky on my back 

Specialist that's the problem you should sleep on your left , 

Next ....

booky I am sure this could be sold as a Monty Python script .

I felt like I was in a scene from a Woody Allen film! If it wasn‘t so serious, it would be really funny. I don‘t write, but I have have alway wanted to. So now you have just given me this idea to write it down as a short story! With comic appeal, like the Bridget Jones books. The silver lining could be that after a lifetime of wanting to write something, it will actually force me into doing so! Maybe, this might be one of the best things that ever happened to me...

By the way, watch your water intake. He asked me how much water I drank, and I was thinking I don‘t know...then I was trying to estimate it, but warned him the estimate could be wrong. He then said I was drinking water in dangerously high quantities, my kidneys could pack it in, people have died from drinking from drinking too much water, I wasn‘t really thirsty when I drank, it was just my dry mouth, get biotene products, cut back on water, and that a woman had died in California from drinking too much had to be there! 

Yet they say drink at least 2 litres of water every day, yes you can drink too much BUT I think it would be very hard to do that --I find it hard to drink 2 litres in fact I mostly get through 1 & 1/2

Bookwrm, all I can say about writing the book is 'go for it', my eldest daughter always wanted to write a book but didn't think anyone would be interested in it.... she has been quite sick the last couple years, a couple of ops and many stays in bed, so to take her mind off her health and pass the time she decided to just write a 'cosy' type of series, she published the first  four books as ebooks back in April and has sold over 3000 copies, she has also been invited by 'Smash Words' to have one of her books put on a thumb drive and it will be put in a 'show bag' type thingie handed out to people attending a writers convention held in the USA somewhere.... she has also got followers now who are asking for more books of the series, she has nearly finsished book 5 so that will be up soon..... hard copies can now be obtained from Amazon as well.... so it can be done and I encourage anyone to give it a try.......  Go for it....

Wow, deanna, that is really inspirational...I will certainly do it now.


Try the NDIS in Newcastle and report your displeasure of the said doctor there.

NDIS is recently rolled out for people with disabilities in the Hunter Region like yourself who have not yet reached the old age pensioner's age .... I am sure they will do all they can to help you.

Link is in blue.

I am happy to say I applied for NDIS and they are giving me a package. It should hopefully kick in soon. For example, I get half price taxi vouchers now but NDIS says through them it will be all the fare covered. This means I can go further afield, as I only used my vouchers for the shopping centre as even half price taxis are very expensive. 


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