Clive Palmer

I never cease to be amazed at the stupidity of this man.  Thank goodness he is not our Foreign Affairs Minister.

From the Sydney Morning Herald 

" Palmer has delivered an extraordinary tirade against Australia's biggest trading partner, describing the Chinese government as "mongrels" who shoot their own people.

In a broad spray on national television, the maverick MP accused the "communist Chinese government" of trying to take over Australia's ports to steal the nation's natural resources.

"I don't mind standing up against the Chinese bastards and stopping them from doing it," he told ABC's Q&A program on Monday.

The Palmer United Party leader is embroiled in a legal battle with Chinese state-owned company CITIC Pacific, which has accused the mining magnate of siphoning off $12 million in funds.

Mr Palmer has strenuously denied accusations his company Mineralogy misused CITIC Pacific's cash to finance PUP's federal election campaign."

He said the matter was before the Supreme Court this week and he'd keep up the fight against the "Chinese mongrels.

"I'm saying that because they're communist, because they shoot their own people, they haven't got a justice system and they want to take over this country," he said.

"We're not going to let them do it."

A number of Mr Palmer's political opponents have in the past accused the outspoken Queensland MP of jeopardising Australia's relations with China."

China is Australia's largest trading partner, with two-way trade hitting nearly $151 billion in 2013."



Jackie Lambie supports Clive Palmer and feels we should double our armed forces

to protect us from the Chinese.

Jackie Lambie should never have been elected, in my opinion.   The sooner she and Palmer are gone the better.  They are bringing the country into disrepute.

Lets hope the Chinese do not take it seriously.

The Chinese have long memories and will not forget these insults.

Yes Fleur

I think you might be on the money there.

I think the Chinese realise they need Australia and this guy is just a nutter .

we can't expect anything better  from this no hoper Clive we don't need him and his mob in parliament,I hope all the court cases go against him and forces him out of parliament

I well remember before the  last election that the editorial in the West Australian newspaper warned voters re voting for PUP, and today they wrote a scathing editorial devoted to Clive and his latest outburst and the damage it has caused.

It finished with "we can only hope that his buffoonery causes his political downfall and that he exits Fedceral politicas as swiftly as he entered it."

Here, here!

Dear China,

We here in Team Straya do sincerely apologise for having such stupid politicians. It's got nothing to do with us team members cos absolutely nobody voted for them. Mr Abbott, Ms Bishop, Mr Palmer and Ms Lambie just popped up out of nowhere and took us all by surprise. Now they embarrass us all over the world, it's not just you they say dumb things to. We have to live with them cos we're stuck on the same island together being a team. So thank your lucky stars China that you don't have these stupid people on your team.

Yours sincerely,

Most of Team Straya.

If it were not so serious it would be funny

- but what the heck

Hehehe Robi..good one!!

China will just treat Australia as an irritating flea, with a globe trotting, self promoting, PM trying to big note himself on the world stage,

As the incumbent prime minister, Mr Abbott enjoys a 10 point lead over the Opposition Leader as preferred prime minister, 49 per cent to 39 per cent.

seems to be working...

Yes Pete

But that only reflects the opinion of community at large  and

NOT the encrusted ones on this Forum ;)

GD do I note compassion for Tony? do you realise he only wants your gold, so as to buy cigars for Hockey, and his cigar chomping axe man.

source August 12 2014


Did not think any body would notice


Nice to get a foreign view of our popular PM


Yet evidence is all around them that conservative principles actually do win elections. Stephen Harper has shown that repeatedly as Canada's Prime Minister, as did Mr Abbott's Australian mentor John Howard, who won four general elections in a row.

And at home, this is precisely where Ukip's appeal also lies. Tony Abbott is a 'conviction politician', with a strong moral sense rooted in his religious faith.
Indeed, while his social conservatism has made him a boo-figure for the Left, more thoughtful observers realise that it is those very same conservative principles which provide him with the compassionate edge which the Cameroons have so desperately tried to adopt.

What they didn't realise was that striking shallow poses over such fetishes as man-made global warming, gay marriage or international aid was not compassionate at all - quite the reverse, in fact.

Adopting positions which distort scientific, social or political evidence in order to support an unchallengeable belief sets one social group against another, supports the victory of the strong over the weak and replaces truth with ideological dogma.
In other words, this pseudo-compassion (which the Left wears on its sleeves to proclaim its own virtue) is actually responsible for creating a more brutalised, selfish and irresponsible society.
By comparison, Mr Abbott's beliefs are sincere: he lives a compassionate life - for example, doing community work among Aboriginal Australians to improve their lot.

Firm: Mr Abbott is a patriot and always puts his country's national interest first
And while he opposes gay marriage, he has a lesbian sister who has campaigned for him - thus giving the lie to the calumny that anyone opposing gay marriage is a bigot who poses a threat to homosexuals.

Above all, however, he is patriotic. That does not mean he indulges in sentimentalised lists of Australian achievements (in the way Mr Cameron did last week with regard to Britain's successes after a jibe from the Russians about us being a 'small island').

It means he always puts his country's national interest first. You could never imagine Tony Abbott surrendering Australia's ability to govern itself to some supra-national entity, as did British governments with the EU.

Nor claiming he would restore that sovereignty, then backing away from that undertaking, as Mr Cameron has done. In other words, in a world made super-cynical by the supreme slipperiness of politicians, Mr Abbott is as solid as they come.

By sticking to what he believes through thick and thin, he has shown he is not motivated by the desire to win power just for power's sake - the characteristic with which David Cameron is associated and which repels so many voters.
In addition, Mr Abbott did not buckle under the volleys of insults and brickbats hurled his way. He has thus achieved something rather more remarkable than just a general election victory.

He has faced down the intellectual thuggery and demonisation by the Left, and shown that a politician who refuses to be cowed by this apparently all-encompassing intimidation can win big.
Mr Cameron has congratulated the new Australian Prime Minister-elect, saying it would be 'great to work with another Centre-Right leader'.

One does wonder whether Mr Abbott sees Mr Cameron the same way.

Not surprisingly, however, some Tory MPs have got the point and are calling on Mr Cameron to adopt similar policies.

After all, look at what Mr Abbott promises to do. Axe the carbon tax. Reduce overseas aid. Limit immigration. Cut taxes. Invest in infrastructure.

In short, Britain has every reason to be envious of its Aussie friends. Can we clone Tony Abbott, please, and put him into Number 10 forthwith?

[email protected]


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If you search the net hard enough you might even find another saying he is acceptable. All depends how hard you try.

There are heaps Gerry several of which I have already put up . 1 The US Admin greatly Admire him for his strong support and leading on condemning Russia..]2 the Republicans admire him and wish Obama was as strong . 3 the Asian countries look to Australia now as a succeful counterbalce ..4 Japan goes without sayng 5 China signing a trade pact ..

Indonesia of course for cleaning up the Rudd spy mess

Pete you do realise your article was dared 8 September 2013 don't you?

Think Abbotts wink wink and a few other gaffs have been in the UK press about him since then after all a year. Is a long time in politics.

Just been reading an article  out of China via the China Times (a communist owned newspaper and fierecely nationalistic...many Chinese do not share the view of this newspaper) and in it they are very angry at the comments of Clive Palmer.


Calls for him to be banned from China and no more dealings with him or his company.

Many here in Australia do not realise that if it were not for China we may have gone the same way as other countries when the GFC hit the world.

I would like to know how much money we borrowed from China??



Having done business with Citic-Pacific Mining I know how hard it is to get them to pay their bills. Several times phoned their office to tell them our finance manger was on his way to their office to pick up the 'way overdue' cheque. If someone owed me $500M and I had $20M on deposit from then I too would consider it to be my money, to spend as I like.


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