Docs list the 13 most common causes of cancer

cancer cells

The Big C is one of the world’s leading causes of death. But you already knew that. What you may, or may not know, are the top 15 causes of cancer. So, here’s what you can do to prevent cancer.

Cut out cigarettes – needs no elaboration.

Eat more broccoli – or cabbage, kale, watercress ... Cruciferous vegetables protect against DNA damage that can turn cells cancerous. Colourful berries also have cancer-fighting chemicals that ward off damage to cells.

Lose some weight – those extra pounds add up to a greater chance of having cancer. One reason may be that fat cells release substances that encourage cancer cell growth.

Take it easy on alcohol – the more you drink, the higher your risk.

Cut back on processed meats – processed meats, such as hot dogs, bacon, and sausage, have chemicals called nitrites and nitrates that may be linked to cancer. Too much red meat could also lead to colorectal cancer. Try more chicken breast or fish, instead.

Get up and about – too much time lounging increases your risk of cancer. Simply moving around fights obesity and lowers levels of hormones like estrogen and insulin, which have been linked to cancer. Get your heart pumping for 30 minutes a day most days of the week.

Put on sunscreen – we live in Australia, so we get this, yeah?

Practice safer sex – some STDs increase your odds of having cancer.

Get vaccinated – your annual flu shot, hepatitis B vaccines ward off the virus that causes liver cancer.

Avoid toxic chemicals – carcinogens damage DNA in your cells and raise your chance of having cancer if you touch, eat, or breathe them in. Especially steer clear of asbestos, radon, and benzene, and chemicals in weedkillers, plastics, and some home products.

Know your family history – learning your family's medical history can give you a heads up on what you should do to prevent obvious cancers.

Regular screenings – screening tests catch cancer early, but many people put them off. So, put off putting them off.

Take your medicine – some drugs lower your odds of getting certain cancers.

Be cautious about hormone therapy – it might ease menopause symptoms but may also raise your chances of breast cancer and make cancer harder to detect.

Okay, you may have known most of these. But sometimes a little reminder goes a long way.


Thanks for the reminders Leon

especially the Regular screenings which like others above, people did not do during the lockdown.

"Although long-term ingestion of N-nitroso-quinapril may be associated with a potential increased cancer risk in humans, there is no immediate risk to patients taking this medication," Pfizer said in a news release.


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