Government under pressure to help pensioners – what are the big Election issues for you?

The Federal Government said it will continue to reduce the minimum super drawdown by 50 per cent, but is under pressure to extend the 'rumoured' one-off cash payments to pensioners.

Election battlelines are being drawn. What are the biggest issues you'd like to see addressed in the upcoming Budget and in the Election this year?



I'd like to work and receive a good income without it affecting my pension. 
I paid tax from the age of 15 till I retired at 70.  I think that should be enough to cover my age  pension for the rest of my life. 
What do you think. 

Pensions are decided by Treasury and any increase is in line with CPI. It used to be a combination of either CPI or the average wage increase decided by Fair Work Australia, whichever is the greater. This should be returned. The way CPI is calculated must be reviewed and the "basket" changed to reflect all items that an average consumer would use.

What are the biggest issues you'd like to see addressed in the upcoming Budget and in the Election this year?

National security, the ongoing aged care nightmare, Australian manufacturing to lessen our reliance on patchy import supply chains, and the rapidly rising cost of living.

Leave the OAP eligibility age where it is, not keep increasing it, or even better reduce it to 65 again.  Many of us are burnt out & in poor health well before we are 65 from doing manual labour/ jobs that have been physically or mentally very  hard.  We should not be FORCED to work longer, but given that choice!

Time for the younger ones to be able to find employment, not have jobs filled/taken by older Aussies (I guess I won't be too popular for this comment, oh well).

I agree totally with you, BKKbob. Our local supermarket is having great difficulty getting enough staff. With covid isolations, and even close contacts being sent home, they are struggling to stock shelves, and even open their doors. On one day they had 38 staff off.  I would be prepared to go in to help several evenings a week, clear empty cartons from shelves or help stock them, but it is just not worth it with the current Centrelink set up. They should bring back a universal age pension, which is combined with all other income for tax purposes. (Age pensioners to receive a tax break before being taxed) With a universal pension, they would not need as many staff to work all the current regulations etc. 


Time for the younger ones to be able to find employment, not have jobs filled/taken by older Aussies (I guess I won't be too popular for this comment, oh well) ( Cheezil61)

Agree 100% ...



Well BKKBOB, to receive the full pension, I think it would depend on how much money you and others have managed to squirrel away over the years. I'm reaching pension age, whatever that maybe, I really don't think James Packer should qualify, do you. Also, Cheezil61, it is a necessity for the future of the Old Age Pension to be extended to, probably the age of 70 years unfortunately. There should also be a separate pension allowance for those who have done hard physical work all their lives and their bodies have finally given out on them. Unfortunately this can happen at any age, well before the previous 65 year-old deadline. As for the young of today, I have no fears about them being overworked or dropping from exhaustion, from my observations, as sceptical as they maybe. Fond wishes to you all. Jacka.

I agree totally with RnR

What are the biggest issues you'd like to see addressed in the upcoming Budget and in the Election this year?

National security, the ongoing aged care nightmare, Australian manufacturing to lessen our reliance on patchy import supply chains, and the rapidly rising cost of living.

Plus STOP lying!

The retirement age should be 60 for both male & female

Retirement age at 60?  PlanB people that age should be toiling not lounging about. This is not a utopia.

This is wishful thinking I know but I would like to see positive action to rectify the current, and increasing, inequality in Australia. Rectifying that would improve our economy and end the poverty that is growing year after year. 

For me I would say its a toss up between two.....and some expanded areas on those two.

1. Sort out the security of Australia - better encryption on Government files that contain OUR personal data, sort out something to cripple China's idea of a military base on Daru Island. Even New Zealand is worried and there are not as close as we are.

2. For goodness sake stop the BS and all these sneakily passed mines while we were forced to focus on, study, and act on, with this damn Covid. Instead of throwing millions at these mining companies, use that money to produce more food areas, setup one room housing for the homeless, stop the logging and deforestation to keep what little wildlife we have left, and finally assist in making our own vehicles in Australia and bring back manufacturers and give them a fair shake instead of slamming them with more taxes on multiple things where it makes it impossible for them to stay here. And while your at it, make sure all these rich elite pay their dues and get all the kickbacks out of your own back pocket.

Yeah I have a lot of issues and still too many to list.

This mongrel lot in Government can give me a million dollars instead of the supposed $250 but there is no way I am going to vote for an arrogant bully as this Prime Minister. Not Albo either - both have their asses in too deep with companies who are paying them in donations to keep them in business, pass certain laws for them or make new ones to assure their success and safety.

YLC says "Older Australians will benefit from this year’s Budget as the government introduces changes to the superannuation contribution scheme aimed at giving retirees more flexibility." From this you can take it that older Australians can cut their minimum draw down from super savings by half so they better manage their estate planning.


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