Mixed messages about Castro's death

fidel castro

Cuban leader Fidel Castro died over the weekend. Undoubtedly one of the most significant, yet controversial figures of the 20th century, Castro's death is no doubt a sad occasion for some, but a blessing for others.

Here are some of the reactions (from The Guardian) to Fidel's passing:

Many on the left of politics have been paying tribute to Fidel Castro because of the socialist aspects of Cuba under his rule. But given that Castro’s Cuba is also strongly associated with abuses of human rights and restrictions on liberal values, it doesn’t make sense for the political left to sympathise with, and praise him.

These dreadful Cubans putting people in prison on that island without trial. Our American allies would never do that.

Currently Cuba’s under-five mortality rate is 1,204 per million, which is the lowest in Latin America and half the rate of seven other countries. Unlike Cuba, the US did not meet the UN Millennium goals of reducing child deaths (0-4) and currently Cuba’s rate is 15% lower than the US rate at 1,384pm. If, in this century, the US had had the same child death rate as Cuba there would on average have been 5,539 fewer dead American children. For the average child it’s better to be born a Cuban than in the US.

As you can see, Castro was indeed controversial.

Prince Harry was put into a tough spot when visiting the Caribbean island of St Vincent and was asked to join local dignitaries in observing a minute’s silence in remembrance of Fidel Castro. The prince really had no choice but to pay his respects, but one wonders if he really wanted to. 

Even Malcolm Turnbull doesn't know what to do (is that really surprising) when it comes to observing the death of Castro. He's left it to his henchman Mathias Cormann to deliver the official line.

“The policies and actions he pursued, in our judgment, weren’t in the best interests of the Cuban people,” siad Mr Cormann. “Certainly his hostility towards the West, in particular the United States, we believe imposed significant hardship on the Cuban people.”

What do you think of Fidel Castro's death? Do you think he was a villain or was much of his reputation created by the western media?

Share your thoughts below or join Barak's discussion here.

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It was actually Eisenhower who set up the Bay of Pigs invasion using CIA trained Cubans, JFK ended up inheriting the plan to be put into action. 

It would seem JFK recognised the interference of the US in other countries internal affairs purely for US pecuniary interests.

Fulgencio Batista - WikipediaBatista, Fidel Castro, and the Cuban RevolutionEditBatista with U.S. Army Chief of staff Malin Craigin Washington, D.C., riding in an Armistice Dayparade, 1938

I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country's policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear.

— U.S. President John F. Kennedy, to Jean Daniel, October 24, 1963

As it happens I am going to Cuba tomorrow! A trip booked months ago and much anticipated, it was always going to be a facinating trip but now it will be particularly interesting.


During his 58 years of dictatorship Castro was an evil man, a communist who tortured, killed and imprisoned with no remorse. He was a tyrant who tore a once beautiful country apart and sent its finest citizens into exile. This dictator ruled not only by his oppression and relentless propaganda but committed countless crimes against humanity murdering thousands upon thousands.

R.J. Rummel, a University of Hawaii professor who tracked mass-killings by governments around the world, estimated as many as 141,000 people or more were murdered by the Castro regime and that was just only in 1987 ALONE. Since then thousands more have been killed.

There are some on this thread talking about “facts” and giving glowing reports of this murderer, but none of it is coming from first hand knowledge and all they do is rely on newspaper reports etc.

Have any of you been to Cuba? When you have worked  and lived in the regions of South America and the Caribbean like I have as a young man and know by visiting the country what actually went on, then you can tell me your “facts.” 

"The world is never black and white, as some simple folks want it to be. Several of these simple folk have posted above, without being willing to comment on Cuba's very successful health and education regimes."

"Regimes?" - yes! now you're seeing the light. Very apt word for Castro's ruling on all aspects of existence in Cuba.

In order to subjugate the miserable poor in Cuba Castro used "regimes" to force people to toe the line. In normal democracies, they are called "health and education" programs NOT "regimes."

@ Barak, what a simple, simple comment from a very simple simple guy.

Banjo thanks mate for your input on this.

There is no useful content at all in either of those past two posts. You two are acting as both pure victims of and subsequent deliverers of US propoaganda on this.

Ray, in particular, when you are really lost for useful comment, you make the same allegations about an opponent as the facts that they have pointed out about your comments (or in this case, your friend's). It's pathetic. And shallow. And thoughtless. Just barracking. It adds nothing to the discussion.

Banjo, you must have thought it SO clever to copy my formatting, the point of which was that I was quoting myself from earlier in the thread, something you had simply ignored. You don't discuss, you declare. You simply KNOW Castro was ALL evil, don't you? Not a skerrick of good anywhere. It's a stupid position. It cannot be true. It makes you look like a brainwashed idiot. And you an academic? ROTFLMAO.

Is it too late in your lives to realise that the world is not purely black and white?

You are an interesting character Barak.  Are you just attempting to have a lend of us, or, do you actually support the memory of a ruthles, Communist Dictatorial, murdering thug, who killed over 140,000 of his fellow citizens in 1987 alone?

Just to be precise and also after confirming it with other sources Rummels estimate of up to 140,000 was for the total number and inclusive  number up to 1987 and not for 1987 alone. 

COM.TAB1.GIF 360×579 pixels


Sorry Vivity.  My mistake.  If he only killed 140,000 over a number of years, that is not a problem.  Nothing to get critical about.  Whats 140,000 out of a population of 7 million.  Hitler was already dead, so, he would not have been jealous.

Gentle sarcasm Innes? Deaths under any regime are a problem but the highest deaths after Castro took over in any one year appears to have occurred in 1957 (35,000) ousting The dictator Batista. 

I certainly can remember the Bay of Pigs during those events England was very tense, as I saw you say elsewhere Kruchev (and JFK)  were very active in preventing nuclear war, diplomacy won that crisis, thank god. 

Quote: Just to be precise and also after confirming it with other sources 

There is nothing "precise" about your gif source, utter rubbish, provide those sources you have "confirmed the figure with. Wiki doesn't count nor do gifs

He murdered thousands upon thousands. The late R.J. Rummel, a University of Hawaii professor who tracked mass-killings by governments around the world, estimated 140,000 were murdered by the Castro regime. And that was  just through 1987. Since then, of course, thousands more

hhttp://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/the-fidel-castro-myth-debunked-the-death-of-a-tyrant-not-a-hero/ave been killed.


You say you remember the Bay of Pigs while sitting in your armchair in England. Have you been to Cuba to see how the people have treated????? Have you been to Miami and other places where Cubans have fled??

You have NO argument. Anyone can watch TV, anyone can read a paper but until you have witnessed events, you have no facts. If you haven't got sources to post Vivity, please do not produce arguments or you end up looking like a fool.

I repeat Castro was a murderer and I feel pity for those who support him, yes he did lift the devastated poor up a little by means of education, but health is still very bad in Cuba.

Cubans rejoicing his death in Miami

Image result for people in miami celebrating the death of castro

Castro and his henchman Che Guevara are responsible for this:Thousands of Cubans have died in front of Castro’s infamous ‘paredón’ (the wall). There was no discrimination, as far as sending people to the firing squad was concerned. Young and old, black and white, rich and poor were sent to ‘el paredón’.

Many of those who helped Castro gain power, like Comandantes Ernesto Sori Marin and William Morgan, an American, were among the thousands who were shot.

Those are the FACTS not some silly little gif.

As for you Barak you look like such a complete fool, no point in even answering you. You support a tyrant, a murderer and a depraved human being, I don't need to say more.

You have produced NOTHING of substance as is usually the case with you yet you argue until blue in the face. Not worth a reply.

Banjo - what is Wiki?

I'm guessing you mean Wikipedia.

Any academic would know that there are many wiki's, and the only sensible way to refer to Wikipedia is by its full name. Sometimes your facade slips.

Given the obvious FACT, that became apparent towards the end of the US election, that many media outlets and governments routinely tell lies, how can you be so certain about your facts on Fidel?

Forget about the "academic", a ten year old would know there are many types of Wiki.

In this case, doubt whether anyone else but you would think any of the others fitted the context we are discussing. Sorry won't comment further because your "facts" somehow get mixed up with your fantasies. 

YOU were clearly the mixed up one. Now you're doing just what Ray does whenever he loses an argument. Accusing the opponent of doing the same stupid thing you have done.

The clone wars are on again, methinks.


toot - Thanks for putting up that photo. . I looked up that site about the extravagant life of Castro. It's the same with all Dictators, they make the poor people poorer and they live the high life. 

A friend of mine went to Cuba about 12 years ago and said he was disgusted with the poverty he saw. 

Nothing has changed for the poor in Cuba before or after Castro


Image result for the slums of havana

Santiago de Cuba right now - don't paint a picture of Cuba that doesn't exist.

Image result for slums in santiago de cuba

Ray, nobody is painting a false picture, except those black and white haters who say ALL was bad under Castro. 

We have some here saying there was some good and some bad, and you and your friends saying it was all bad, and accusing others of saying it was all good.

You and your friends look silly.

I wish you'd keep your mouth closed some of the time Barak, each time you open it you reinforce what we already know, that is, your "arguments" come from lack of knowledge, lack of having visited places in question, just lack in general and no substance. Sure the poor in Cuba were given basic health care and education, those are the things necessary for the poor to work for peanuts (and they did) in order to support the elite. Castro was no fool, he thought of the best way to line the pockets of the rich through exploiting his own people.

An example a poor person educated speaking several languages works for the government translating and earns $20 American a month. I know this because this woman is related to a colleague of mine. Stop arguing Barak, you are really showing your ignorance, please do some background work before you open your mouth.

Havana  is a crumbling mess for the most part, people still have food cards, people can't improve where they live, they can't afford to even buy paint. It was only since 2013 people wre even allowed to buy a car which was not one that existed before the revolution. Progress my behind. Get your socialist head out of the sand and face facts. But guess what, now that they are allowed, they have no money to buy.

Old buildings under construction along Havana’s famous Malecón roadway.

Now you're agreeing with me Ray. It WAS NOT all bad under Castro.

Your "excuses" for the good health and education systems don't stand up to rational thinking.

Take off the tunnel vision glasses.

And do stop misrepresenting me. It's the strategy of someone with no argument.

Ray and Banjo you should know by now

           Image result for what do you  do with an argumentative idiot

Cheers guys

Ah, so the "Friends" script said it was time for Micha to turn up and barrack.

How pointless. 

It's incredible that a group of old folks who randomly come together on a forum should have such identical views. Do you guys disagree on anything?

We are all "Conservative" and "Catholic" except for Micha who is Jewish and it may seem very strange to you but people of a like mind do flock together. Like we flock with the laughter brigade on YLC, all like minded. Yep people of like mind do have the same views many of them identical even though they are separate human beings. Try it sometime if you find anyone except for the ilks to barrack for you.

But what was the point of Micha's post?

And again, do you guys disagree on anything?

Ray, congratulations on your excellent portrayal of the Castro, the ostrich in the sand socialists think was so great. 

And Micha, best laugh of the day!

No content. Just barracking.

Clones again?


The discussion on the great Castro has led me to doing a little more work on the subject & I have come up with a plan that should please Barak.  It is not communism, but I will admit it is somewhat totalitarian & in fact, is in line with the aims of the New World Order.

Tasmania has a population of 520,000, of which around 260,000 are, according to the ABC, as well as the Guardian & other reliable sources, functionally illiterate, as well as innumerate.  In defence, it is estimated that only about 30,000, approx., 6%, of these are totally illiterate & incapable of computing 2+2=4.  We can reduce this 6% to 4% very quickly by assassinating 10,000 over a few short years. (2% of Tasmania's population, similar to Castro's achievements)  If we increase class sizes to 20, as in Cuba, we can get all the illiterates into school instead of having to open new ones.  The next move is to remove about 95% of books & all reading matter from the Island, as per Castro's Regime.  By restricting these books etc to the subject of Socialism verses Communism & using the principles of rote learning, we can annihilate illiteracy in a couple of years.

Just look at the benefits.  Half the 20,000 re trained, would get work & pay taxes into the Socialistic scheme.  The other half would be able to access Centreling, requiring enough extra staff to wipe out the 7% unemployed in Tassie.  Approx., 3,000 properties would become vacant & crash the Real Estate market, making Tasmania R. E., the most accessible in the developed World.

Just imagine, being able to show the Buildabergs how easy it can be done & the only little unimportant downside is the assassination of 10,000 illiterates.  I forgot to mention that it would also get rid of the Hospital waiting list.

We would be famous throughout the World, as long as nobody noticed that Castro has already done it.

Pointless, off-topic, irrelevant post.

That is some innovative thinking Innes, we need examples like that to bring home the fact Castro was a murdering dictator no different from other ruthless ones and to show others their argument is fruitless in the light of facts unearthed about this fraud.

Banjo, precisely what IS the argument of those others? (The ones with whom you think you are disagreeing.)

I'm actually in agreement with several of the things innes, Ray and you are saying. You seem to be arguing against something else.

I am not arguing, I am presenting facts which you do not seem to understand. I have visited Cuba for work, before the revolution and years later after the revolution.

I do know what I'm talking about and whatever I write on here Barak is not for your benefit, don't think that at all. You can learn something though if you open up your mind.

Barak,  Where did you get the idea that I was arguing in any way.  Based on my reading of the great achievements of Castro, I put forward a proposed plan that actually had cost benefits over the Castro format, whilst still fitting in with the basic concept that you liked of Castro's.  You haven't even considered the advantage of carry on effect on the Housing Market throughout Australia.  Another major benefit is that the plan is completely Socialistic, which means that it feeds on itself & grows on its own development, unlike Communism, which has the disadvantage of working to the point that its successful development actually wipes itself out as it's very success converts it into Capitalism.

innes and Banjo - you are both writing as if some here are claiming that all was wonderful in Cuba under Fidel. NOBODY is doing that. 

Misrepresenting the position of others is inflammatory, unconstructive and unwelcome.

Are we finally getting through to you then???

You are wrong Barak.  You pointed out the wonderful results that Castro achieved in education & health, just for the investment of a few worthless lives.  Your position was quite clear, although I note that you made no mention of the fact that all free media was removed & most books were destroyed.  I have a fair bit of actual knowledge of censorship in China & Castro's achievements make the Chinese look like rank amateurs.  You say that NOBODY is claiming that it was wonderful under Fidel, but you made the assumption on more than 1 occasion, that it was all worthwhile because the loss of 140,000 humans was just colatoral damage in the achievement of teaching the populace to read a very small, restrictive range of books.  Interesting point, that nobody under the age of 50, in Cuba, has read Animal Farm.


Still misrepresenting my positiion. I'll report that behaviour if it continues.

Did you major in straw man arguments at uni?


Spot on Innes and perhaps Barak would like to know that right now in Cuba just 5% of Cubans have Internet access, BUT, 23% can access the government-sanctioned Intranet. 

This is a country where almost nothing has changed for generations. Yes doctors are trained for free and there are (don't quote me on this figure) 76,000 doctors for 11 million people. As Ray mentioned above, the salaries for highly skilled and professional people is less than what we spend at the supermarket a week.

Big improvement, doctors used to get $26A a month, but hey, now they've had an increase they get $67A a month!!!

PS Barak: if you can't take the heat on a political thread, maybe this kitchen is not for you if you have to keep reporting all and sundry.


Barak, did you, or did you not say:-   " Several of these simple folk have posted above, without being willing to comment on Cuba's very successful health and education regimes."

That's partly what I said. Now, discuss my WHOLE post.

I say again....

"The world is never black and white, as some simple folks want it to be."

hahahaha - what happened to the rest of your quote?? " Several of these simple folk have posted above, without being willing to comment on Cuba's very successful health and education regimes."

Innes, Ray, I think the eagle has landed! Methinks Barak has found out these "simple" folk are not that "simple" after all :)))))

Not at all.

I DID get you to comment on health and education, so I no longer have to chase you up on that omission. But you still seem to see the whole world in black and white.

Sorry to tell you this, but there are very few people who are entirely good or entirely bad.

Castro did a lot of good things and some quite bad things. To take a side without noting both the good and the bad is bias. Bush and the illegal invasion of Iraq resulted in many more deaths of people and refugees than Castro ever did. Winners are grinners to some degree.

Geoff, perhaps Bush WAS a monster.  Maybe Castro was or wasn't.  However, as Barak likes to point out over & over, Castro is the subject, not Bush.

Something that will maintain Fidel's image as a hero is the fact that he survived in the face of such massive US antagonism, even when the USSR wasn't around.

How did he do this?

So some coyotes think Castro was a saint huh? Ok allow me to put you right.

Fidel Castro jailed and tortured political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin during what is known as the Great Terror. He murdered more Cubans in his first three years in power than Hitler murdered Germans during his first six. Good man huh?

Fidel Castro took a highly-civilized nation that had a higher standard of living than much of Europe, turned Cuba into a slum/sewer ravaged by tropical diseases and with  the highest suicide rate in the Western hemisphere. Good man huh?

At the last count Castro killed and tortured almost 100,000 Cubans. Among them 5,300 are known to have lost their lives fighting communism in the Escambray Mountains (mostly peasant farmers and their children) and at the Bay of Pigs. An estimated 14,000 Cubans were killed in Fidel's revolutionary adventures abroad, most notably his dispatch of 50,000 soldiers to Angola in the 1980s to help the Soviet-backed regime fight off the Unita insurgency. Good man huh??

Fidel Castro helped train and fund practically every terror group on earth, from the Weathermen to Puerto Rico’s Macheteros, from Argentina’s Montoneros, to Colombia’s FARC, from the Black Panthers to the IRA and from the PLO to AL Fatah. Yeah a very good man.

above written by Humberto Fontova

Humberto Fontova was born in Havana, Cuba. He and his family of 5 attempted to leave in 1961, but only 4 of them were successful. He grew up in New Orleans, graduated from the University of New Orleans with a degree in Political Science, and holds a Masters Degree from Tulane University in Latin American Studies. He has authored several books and has appeared on several TV outlets. Humberto and his family are among the tens of thousands who suffered at the hands of Castro.

So Barak for the sake of humanity shutupfora  day if you don’t know anything. you have what we call coyote thinking.

Hiker, absolutely nobody here has suggested Castro was a saint.

What a waste of a post.

@ Hiker

Thank you for your great post, Ray, Innes and I have been trying to get through to this person, hard work, but worth the effort.

We made it! 

Banjo - what ARE you talking about?

What have you made? A cake?


If you're talking about me, my position has not changed at all since this thread began. Nor, apparently, has the position of the idiots who keep misrepresenting that position.

You remind me of my late Grandma Barak, she always had to have the last word. 

Correction: we have not fully "made it" you are not completely out from behind the brick wall only your hand has "made it" out

Image result for fist through a brick wall with a thumbs up sign

hopefully the body will follow soon, then when the head does, we shall have the silly cake, hahahaha

Back to you now for the last word!

I am not the topic.

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