Skeptics still offering $100,000 for paranormal proof

There's a $100,000 prize waiting for you if you can read minds, see the future or talk to the dead.

As long as you can prove it, that is.

Submit your superpower to scientific testing, and if you pass you'll be the first to win the prize in its 37-year history.

The Australian Skeptics have offered the money, to be awarded to anyone who can prove they have psychic or paranormal powers, since it was founded in Melbourne in 1980.

Do you believe in paranormal powers?



Bet there will be no one taking up the challenge

They should open the offer up to the religious nutters to prove god as well

Many people have so-called "paranormal" powers.

I regularly "see" a specific card before I turn it over. The problem with testing is that such powers can't be harnessed or called on at will - it just happens. As a matter of fact, sometimes the harder I try to "see" something, the less likely it is that I can. It can't be forced.

Also, a part of the contract for psychic vision is that it can't be used for monetary gain. Many years ago when I first realised I had this ability, I used a pendulum and the SMH race guide to predict the winner and placegetters in a horse race. I switched on the TV to see I had predicted 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the exact order. So, thinking it was just a fluke, I predicted the next race - same thing, the first 3 places were correct. So, thinking I'd win some money, I used the pendulum again, raced down to the TAB and bet $10 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. The horse I predicted to win came third and another horse I predicted had already been scratched that morning. I lost my money and my lesson was learnt.

So Raphael, for once you are right: there will be no one taking up this challenge.

I am right because they are all scam artists and loonies 

I think you're afraid of me, Raphael, like a little boy challenged, who lashes out aggressively with nasty name-calling.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean you have to be afraid of it.

Yes dear

I am cetainly afraid of lunatics

Pretty unstable psychologically these people

So afraid you can't even calm yourself enough to spell correctly. Hysterical dear!

The biggest bully is always the most insecure kid. I suggest you seek professional help.


Im sorry Janran

Just found you on the internet - I AM A BELIEVER NOW !!!

Should never have doubted you. Please forgive me

I won't open that link because I don't trust you. I've never been on utube, by the way


Ah Soooo

You DO have psychic powers

My scientific expirement worked.

You may now claim your $100k prize . Send me your contact details and bank account 

BTW - one of your clients must have posted it on youtube . It was very good. You are 100% kosher psychic. Not a scam artist or loonie tunes at all 

Attacking yet another member with your sick behaviour Raphael.

Janran is entitled to give an opinion without being harassed by you.

No you sick little boy - did you see what Janran called me for having an opinion?

You cam on just to harass.

I gave my opinion on clairvoyants and she called me names 

So I suggest you take your false accuations and ulterior motives and crawl back into your hole

 Janran called you a "bully", we have been calling you that for years. Janran is right and has the support of many.

thanks for your honesty - that you support anyone as long as they attack me

what a guy (or gal )

You've been reported twice, Raphael.

You're carrying on as if I attacked you with name-calling. However, you are the only one to mention "nutters", "scam artists", "loonies", "lunatics" and "unstable psychologically".

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!


Good on you Janran. We have been reporting Brocky/Raphael (Pete) since 2013.

Every time they ban him, he comes back under a new name.

Just can't keep track of him.


You obviously missed the fact that I agreed with Janran . 

Now be a good boy and disappear as you promised .

And keep taking the Medicine

Quote janran " for once I am right"

what a patronizing response back up by woo woo science 

that wa your reply to my first post responding to Ben

shows where you're coming from Ms clairvoyant 


My comment "for once you are right" Raphael, is simply a statement of fact, in my opinion.

Then you go on to insult religious people for believing in a god. Personally, I'm against organised religions, but there are no grounds to dismiss that god is a reality to them. Nor to question their sanity.

Many people who voted for Trump still believe he's great and they'd vote for him again, despite the fact that he has boasted about sexually assaulting women, has hired "illegal" Mexicans in his own businesses (cheap labour) and his corporations have moved their manufacturing plants to China. These people don't see that Trump's "wall" and blubbering about making America great again by starting up manufacturing in the US, is in complete contradiction. But you can't change people's beliefs, no matter how illogical it may seem to you or me.

How about we ask you to DISPROVE the existance of god or psychic phenomena? Any scientist worthy of the name knows that science does not know everything. That's how they find out new stuff - by limiting all the variables and proposing an hypothesis that is not loaded or leading from past assumptions.

Unfortunately today, most science is undertaken in the labs of corporations with an agenda - that is to make money. Bugger the truth.

A comment simply on fact ?


You don't even know me , what was he reason for the insult ?

because I don't believe in paranormal psychic BS that's why 

There was no need for such a passive aggressive response to start off with 

bye janran I'm off to see the wizard 

Lots of people say they can see the future, predict cards or speak to and contact the deceased, alas when actual testing takes place and I mean scientific blind testing it all fails to be proven. 

Science isn't able to measure these things yet.

I agree with Janran .Thr latest research on the brain involves quantam mechanics and entanglement, 

What  Einstein called " Spooky action at a distance ,

My god Brocky - you've been infected by the families disease

Soon you'll be quoting from Chopra, posting positive quotes and seeing fairies in your garden 


Keep talking to yourself Brocky. 

Physicists are not terribly comfortable with finding themselves inside their theories. Most hope that consciousness and the brain can be kept out of quantum theory, and perhaps vice versa. After all, we do not even know what consciousness is, let alone have a theory to describe it.

We all know what red is like, but we have no way to communicate the sensation

It does not help that there is now a New Age cottage industry devoted to notions of "quantum consciousness", claiming that quantum mechanics offers plausible rationales for such things as telepathyand telekinesis.

As a result, physicists are often embarrassed to even mention the words "quantum" and "consciousness" in the same sentence.

But setting that aside, the idea has a long history. Ever since the "observer effect" and the mind first insinuated themselves into quantum theory in the early days, it has been devilishly hard to kick them out. A few researchers think we might never manage to do so.

In 2016, Adrian Kent of the University of Cambridge in the UK, one of the most respected "quantum philosophers", speculated that consciousness might alter the behaviour of quantum systems in subtle but detectable ways.


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I'm sitting on the "fence" so to speak.

Personally I often know things, or think about something and then it happens.  But...I hate the thought of people paying money to psychics etc for what I feel is nonsense.  This is horrible, taking money from people who are often vulnerable.


Agree 100%

The people who go to these "psychics" are usually in a very low place in their lives having suffered deep trauma and/or loss

these fortune tellers are nothing more than parasites living of the misery of others


THose who go to fortune tellers just for the fun of it, I have no problem with . But these fortune tellers should be upfront that what they are doing is purely providing entertainment

I do think that SOME of these "Fortune teller types"  do play on people BUT I have no problem in thinking that there are many people might have some form of this.

I am the biggest sceptic . But the more you go into Quantam Physics ( as a layman) the more you are exposed to ideas that would have been dismissed previously as impossible . 

The area of entanglement where one particle no matter how far separated from another ( billions of light years) yet instantaneously is aware of the other is only one. 

We are laying the foundations for a whole new physics to explain nature. 

These include  multiverses multidimensions on the large scale and the whole area of the weirdness of QM on the micro 

If you read the BBC article above the area of anticipating and affecting results is explored.


Please, please tell us what you've "learnt" in Quantum Physics and Entanglement Pete, hope you don't get too entangled in explaining, haha

Such a hateful smart arse petty minded worm

you have no idea about the intellectual capacity or  education levels of anyone me on here 

what a small mind

your the sickghost haunting this site rafael

ylc pls get rid of this pest

 Child alert ignore

ylc  serial pest

anyone got the mortein???????

We all possess some psychic ability...all living creatures have "gut" feelings...some act on it but others ignore it...

I also believe certain people are born with a talent for predicting  certain mother's side of the family have this and I believe some of it to a lesser extent rubbed off on me...

I always keep an open mind because there are things we don't fully understand..what I abhor though is people who cause distress to others with their fake fortune telling...

Yes, I agree,     I also agree that many of these FAKEs cause a lot of angst for people in vulnerable stages of their lives,  which is unforgivable.

I wish they could tell us if that little kid from North Korea is going to start a world war or how Donald Trump's presidency will turn out.  


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