Welcome to the Good Sports Club

Welcome to the Good Sports Club – a new forum we've created (due to member requests) to cover all things sport.

We will go through the Meeting Place and shift some forums over to this one, so bear with us. If you would like to see a forum shifted from another area to this new sports specific forum, don't hesitate to let us know and we'll make it so.

In the meantime, have fun, play nice, and remember to be a good sport!



Having a giggle...do you really want us to "bare" with you ;) ;)

Ooops! That's another forum for another day!

Thanks for pointing that out (no pun intended). A bit embarrassing!


What happened to my aeroplane photo?

Sorry Davey, not sure what you mean by that?

Think davey is looking for


in General Discussion ..... New Heading for specifically Sport, Photography , Gardening and Craft possible?

Thanks Abby I forgot where I put it LOL brain cells going out the door

Thought that happened a long time ago when you gave the specs to Shank's Pony instead of wearing them ya self!

Image result for image of a horse wearing spectacles on his backside clipart

Listen bird brain ......I am a very shot with a 12 gauge.

ha ha DAVEY,   glad to see you are like the rest  of us,     these senior moments get closer and closer,     hope annie is still allright,

Ok here is a question [s] for the sports minded....

many moons ago when I came to Perth aged just 13, I was put in a team game.....I had been the defence in my old school in the uk playing Netball.  Even when snowing in my little shorts, t shirt and gloves as the flakes fell down on us all.

So imagine this 13 year old playing in the heat of Perth summer, I think the rest of the team thought I had sun stroke as I seemed to be playing a different game to the other girls!   Teacher asked what are you playing?  Netball was my answer!  urrr!  We are playing basket ball came the reply.  Haven't you heard of Netball I asked the team?   Blank expression on their faces. So how loong has the very popular Netball been played in Australia?

Also when I watch Basket Ball or Netball these days my 5'9 height seems very short, most both men and women have players around 6'6.  There doesn't seem to be any skill in the game at that height, they look so clumsy.       If teams are going to have players 6'6 and even much taller I think personally the net needs to go up at least another meter in height even higher to get some skill into the game.   The idea of players swinging on the net/hoop and putting the ball in makes it look [and I think it is] pathetic.    

i hope EVERYONE will be a good sport this sunday,   about 3PM,     PLEASE,  PLEASE,     get down and pray,    like you have never prayed before,    that THE MIGHTY SAINTS win the footy,      this is there last hope,     so ALL THOUGHTS to the SAINTS please,     lol,lol,


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