Dropouts from other forums on YLC's

Why do we allow dropouts from Greypath & others to take over YLC?

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Can anyone explain to me why a new member namely Reagan, had to suffer attacks from Mussitate and Barak, the moment he arrived because he stated his political view?

A couple of weeks ago RnR another new member was attacked by Mussitate and Barak, the posts have now been removed.

Are Mussitate, Barak and a few others against having new members on this forum unless they are Labor supporters and agree with everything they say?

I did not attack Reagan.

I did not attack RnR. I am unaware of any post having been removed from that time.

In both cases, I may have disagreed with a view held by those posters. I would have given reasons.

I am not a Labor supporter. 

I can deal with differening opinions. I cannot stand wilful ignorance, poor logic, unsourced extreme claims about minority groups such as Muslims, and bigotry in general.

YES, you  and Mussitate attacked me because I said ""I used to vote Labor and now am going to vote Liberal.""

I was so taken aback,I reported you both to your moderator and inserted the most offensive parts of the posts. These posts are now removed.

You gave NO reasons for the attack. I know an attackk when I see it.

As I said before, not interested, I have membership of a more congenial forum and if things improve at a later stage,I may return at a later  date to this one.

I did not attack you. If I recall correctly, I asked for reasons, and your claim of having been a Labor voter seemed a very unlikely one given your response.

Unfortunately, neither of us can prove a thing about my post now. I didn't even know my post had been removed, or why. Not a great learning experience.

 Banjo you hit the nail on the head in your last line, unless they are labor supporters and thats why 6 (me included) got the boot from Greypath. I was a laobr suporter and Changed to LNP and all hell broke lose.

Now I must admit that the moderator didnt help he was never there to moderate and took the easy way out and booted 6 good posters with out knowing what was going on

Even with all the arguments that were going on it kept Greypath going with lots of readers and posters Not like it is now scrapping for new members or posters

I do know some of the 6 have invaded this forum under new names, I  am the only one that has retained my name and do not intend changing it no matter what forum I visit

Again Stewie, your honesty is to be admired. Mussitate and Barak, have been insinuating that Ray and I came from Greypath although we have never been  members of that site.

Mussitate has  given a name "Multies" to  a number of  people and according to him, they all came from Greypath. 

I think it is the intention of Mussitate and Barak to try and run everyone off this forum.

...who is not a Labor supporter.

forgot to add this to my  last sentence.

Banjo - I have not been insinuating you and Ray came from Greypath. I would truly have no idea about whether that was true or not. I'd never heard of the place until someone mentioned it here a few days ago.

Where DO you get these ideas?

As for trying to run people off these forums, that's not true either. But I will condemn wilful ignorance, unsourced extreme claims, and bigotry, wherever I see it. If stopping that here forces some to leave, it will make it a better place.


The word "attack" is being used a lot here to describe alleged unacceptable actions of some posters, including me. The rule that mentions that word is "We will not tolerate personal attacks".

A perfect example of a personal attack is innes repeatedly calling me a moron. I don't know how he gets away with it.

I regularly criticise false, unsourced or unsourcable claims made by others, or poor logic in a post. That is not a personal attack. It is a criticism of some words someone has used in a post. Calling someone a moron is obviously a personal attack.

Each time I am accused of attacking another poster, I ask for an example. No example is ever forthcoming. So what is really happening is that general, unsubstabtiated allegations of "attacks" have become a dishonest form of personal attack here.

So please everyone, learn the difference between criticising a person, and criticising what someone has said. They very different things.


Very interesting brain that you have Barak.  You stated:- 

"Yes, innes' gutless general attacks on people he didn't have the courage to name are a pretty bad look.

You will note I have the courage to name innes. He's the one who repeatedly gets away with calling me a moron."

Firstly, I didn't name the guilty parties, because my information was second hand & I was not personally aware if the accusations were true.  So I left it to others who have first hand knowledge.

Secondly, calling you a moron is not a criticism, it is a fact, which you constantly prove by your stupid entries on this forum.  Eg.  Your statement that our PM owns many negatively geared properties held in the names of offshore trusts.  Offshore trusts cannot purchase second hand properties in Australia, however, please explain the accounting principle that would make an offshore trust purchase negatively geared property in Australia when they don't pay any tax in Australia?  I probably shouldn't have called you a moron.  According to the study of psychology, any person with an IQ between 51 & 70 is a moron, but in the politically correct World, should be referred to as mentally challenged.

Thirdly, You continually tell everybody on here that I should be banned for calling you names.

What is more derogatory;  To be called a moron,  (A politically incorrect factual noun) or to be called a paedophile, a supporter of paedophiles, a racist & a bigot, because I made the true statement that almost all terrorists in Australia are Muslims?

Even somebody with your brain would be able to see that your personal insults against me, are just a tiny bit one eyed.

innes - my only response to that is going to be to ask other readers of it whether they think you calling me a moron is a personal attack.

It would be on every other forum I've ever contributed to.


Thanks for making my  post clearer than I had. I didn't think of writing anything in red. But for the life of me, cannot see how this lady could have misunderstood the post. There seems to be some strange politics going on on this forum and since I want no part of it and don't want to  be embroiled in tensions, I must go elsewhere for the time being..

I appreciate your help and also geomac's welcome andAbby's input. Cheers.

You're welcome Reagan. Shame your stay was so short but I can understand your reasons only too well.

I am also fed up, because this forum seems to be dominated by two people, Mussitate and Barak, so I've decided to call it a day for a while.

Hopefully come in just for an occasional hello to cranky, in my opinion one of the most important members here, but I do have email addresses and will keep in touch with friends I've made here.


Ray, rather than running away, how about rationally demonstrating where I am wrong? If you can do that, I assure you I can handle it.

NO ONE can rationally demonstrate anything with you Barak, and I will not waste my time. 

I am in two minds as to whether you are (a) just playing a weird game by annoying posters at every turn - or

(b) you are really in some sort of health situation where you can't remember what you've said, or done, or can see nothing wrong with your actions or those of Mussitate.

Hope you can sort yourselves out, I have lost patience.

So you now allege mental illness? Have I got that right?

I'll admit I do enjoy annoying conservatives and bigots by questioning their "facts" and logic.

If their positions were sound, they would have nothing to worry about, would they?

2 Posts in one here first Barak like Massitate you both come from GP and like Massitate in here you both denie being labor suporters I know better. come on guys have the guts to use your GP names in here I have.

Second Ray these 2 done exacly as they do in here try to put preasure on any post that is Liberal 1 Barak will do what he also done in GP and that is question every line of your post asking silly questions been on the receiving end my self so I know how he works

Reagan & Ray hang around Guys dont be pushed out or about

Stewie you have shown guts to come on here and give such an honest account of Mussitate and Barak. 

They both deny they are from Greypath and were banned for the same sort of behaviour, but here you are like many others know the truth and are telling it.

You have my admiration, I do hope the Moderator sees your post and has this information when he/she reviews the moderation process.

Thanks Banjo but please dont put me on a pedastal, remember I was one of the ones that also got the boot for retaliation to many agressive posts  

From what I see Stewie, you got the boot, because you retaliated, and that should not be.

When someone is pushed to the limits, they have to answer back.

It appears history repeated itself here on this forum, because Reagan said he was Labor and changed to  Liberal, and that's when they started attacking him.

Thank you all for expressing your opinions of the Meeting Place moderation. We are currently reviewing our moderation process, in light of these comments, so expect action to be taken over the next few days. In the meantime, if you have any queries, please direct them to the moderator via email or private message.

[email protected] 

I did not see personal attacks on Reagan but attack is used a bit too liberally by some. Barak IMO sticks to the rules but seems obsessive regarding the catholic church which negates the message regarding peds by distraction.

As to the topic it does seem the GP group stick together a bit and have carried some baggage from the site to here. Take over ? Maybe like me some are not contributing in as much and it just seems that way. Frankly there has not been many topics of interest to me of late and a slipped disc problem has made getting on the comp less interesting ie moving around. Today is a good day.

A personal attack is not the same as putting down or opposong ones views. People should think twice before using the report function.

I repeat my question:-

What is more derogatory;  To be called a moron,  (A politically incorrect factual noun) or to be called a paedophile, a supporter of paedophiles, a racist & a bigot, because I made the true statement that almost all terrorists in Australia are Muslims?


Quote geomac: "A personal attack is not the same as putting down"

Then what is a personal attack, using a machete??? You obviously don't understand the concept. 

No point in discussing it. I guess you would also approve of the fact Barack called a female member an "arrogant pig" the post was also removed.

No other forum would accept Mussitate's and Barak's behaviour.


That is not what Geomac said Ray. He said "putting down or opposing one's views". 

I read it as meaning putting down or opposing views in contrast to putting down a person. 


Yes Robi, some cannot see the difference between cricising a comment and criticisng a person.

Ray - I called the person an arrogant pig because that person demonstrated precisely that behaviour. I had no idea the post was removed. And I can't even recall what the topic was. As far as I am concerned I was right.

Can you point me to where that post was removed?

What difference does being female make?

innes refers to those who disagree with him as a moron then tries to justify it by waffling.

"the free dictionary.
mo-ron  (moron)
1. A person who is considered foolish or stupid.
2. A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years
1. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in judgment.
2. a person of borderline intelligence in a former classification of mental retardation, having an I.Q. of 50 to 69

1  usually offensive.   a person affected with mild mental retardation
2  a very stupid person

Canbridge English Dictionary
a very stupid person "

I would say that is very offensive.

Would he say it face to face, or act like a coward hiding behind his computer to insult others. I suspect the latter.

Innes has been pushed to the limits by Barak who has  called him a "paedophile" a "racist" a "bigot", a "supporter of paedophiles"  "ignorant" and many other derogatory terms.

The only retalitory word innes has ever used is "moron" but has repeated some of those uttered by Barak.

I feel innes has had the patience of Jove with both Barak and Mussitate.

How much should one have to put up with until something is done??

Say it as it is Gerry, if you can't tell the truth, then you should say nothing.

Good to see you haven't changed Gerry.  In spite of your accusations, I would have no problem carrying on this conversation, face to face with you or Barak.  Funny that you say I am hiding behind a computer when I am on here under my real name, whilst it is you & Barak that are hiding behind a computer with avatars to protect your identity.  I note that you quote the free dictionary, merriam-webster & Cambridge when I actually referred to the study of Psychology.  As I said, you haven't changed.

Banjo, you are not worth replying to. Bold font does not make your rant anything worthwhile.

Quote innes "Funny that you say I am hiding behind a computer when I am on here under my real name, whilst it is you & Barak that are hiding behind a computer with avatars to protect your identity"

How am I hiding behind an avatar whilst you are supposedly not doing so. You also are posting with an avatar.

I use my real name so your post is full of BS.

quote innes "I note that you quote the free dictionary, merriam-webster & Cambridge when I actually referred to the study of Psychology. "

I find dictionaries fullo of information rather than some ficticious study of psychology

Usually the more aggressive a person is on a forum, the bigger the coward they are when posting on a forum. That fits the user "innes"

Quote Gerry: Banjo, you are not worth replying to. Bold font does not make your rant anything worthwhile.

In your eyes, I am not worth replying to because I speak the truth and you do not.

The reason my post is in bold font, is because I did not want it to get lost amongst the rubbish here.

The very fact you say to innes you find Psychological studies fictitious dismisses you in my eyes straightaway. Nothing of value to reply to.


quote banjo "The very fact you say to innes you find Psychological studies fictitious dismisses you in my eyes straightaway."

Maybe if you read my actual words instead of making some up to reply to might make your post relevant.

If there is nothing of value to reply to then why did you relpy - just to throw more insults ?

Banjo - I would not have called innes a paedophile. All the others, a "racist", a "bigot", a "supporter of paedophiles",  "ignorant", all apply to innes, so I may have used those.


The moment someone calls a member a name other than there prefered nick name they are being attacked (unless a members nick is Cat and everyone knows that person as Ron). when a reply is made that you dont agree with you should attack ( politely) there post not the person.

I also believe that when a person post there opinion, it is not wrong no matter what they say because it is an opinion NOT a fact so it cant be wrong, another poster can disagree but thats all they can do. 

But as I used to say in an other forum But this is just my opinion and Oh boy did that upset a few people LOL

Some valid points there Stewie, but there are grey areas.

If a poster say "All Muslims are terrorists", it might be their opinion, but it's clearly wrong, and probably based on ignorance and bigotry.

Can I say that?

Barak I must admit you had me thinking there, but in the eyes of the poster he/she is right, because he/she believes that, On the other hand it is your opinion that he/she is not right, you could perhaps include a link for that poster to read up on. A persons opinion can be changed, if the poster has an open mind and is willing to learn

I'm not sure that a belief in something that is demonstrably complete bulltish can validly be called an opinion.

It's a lot different from an opinion on, say, who are the best economic mangers in a political sense.

The former really is something else. Maybe wilfully ignorance based dogma?

Barak, I have previously answered this on more than 2 occasions.

You Said:-     "If a poster say "All Muslims are terrorists", it might be their opinion, but it's clearly wrong, and probably based on ignorance and bigotry."

This is correct.   BUT, nobody ever said this.  It is aimed at me & I clearly said the opposite.   I said    NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS, BUT NEARLY ALL TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIMS.

Re the Catholic Church, yes I am obsessed with its criminality and lack of care for the kids..

As a teacher I am legally obliged by mandatory reporting laws to report to the relevant authorities any possible child abuse I become aware of. 

The Catholic Church uses its Seal of the Confessional to ignore our country's laws and NOT report such matters.

Given the obsession some here have with some Muslims allegedly trying to ignore the country's laws, it seem only fair to mention what the Catholic Church offically does as accepted policy.

Sorry, but it disgusts me.


Can anyone explain why a reply to my post seems to be addressed to Stewie, and is rudely shouted at us all in capitals?

Who is RON?


You once again use part of a quote instead of the whole quote.

" A personal attack is not the same as putting down or opposong ones views. "

Ones views Ray. Now if thats your way of skewing or to be more correct trying to distort what was actually said you display poor form. I have noticed this behaviour before from you and to me it depicts an inability to argue your point on solid ground hence the distortion. I can put up with dills and racist moron who spout bile because they out themselves without any need for me to do it. I will not be verballed or misrepresented as to what I say in a post. You Ray are guilty of that. If you lack the intellect to argue your case without deception I suggest you just do not post at all until you have the wit to mount an argument on merit. I will not hold my breath.

geomac, I suggest you do  "hold your breath" and also your tongue. I don't know what your educational standard is, but I can vouch for Ray, we went to the same university. Ray does not have to "distort" anything since part or the entire comment makes no difference. Partly or wholly, that phrase constitutes an ATTACK.

You say, and I quote " A personal attack is not the same as putting down or opposong ones views. "

You are INCORRECT, and even posting half of that quote is still making a personal attack, I repeat.

A personal attack may include challenges that questions a person's intelligence, values, integrity, motivations, decisions and so on. Reagan's intellect was challenged when he disclosed that he has always voted Labor and now has decided to vote Liberal.

His integrity was questioned, his political views questioned. Views which are personal to him were ridiculed. THAT CONSTITUTES A PERSONAL ATTACK. So yes geomac the part of the quote that Ray posted alone, does constitute an attack.

 A personal attack is ALSO committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when attacking another person's claim or claims. This line of "reasoning" is fallacious because the attack is directed at the person making the claim and NOT the claim itself. That was done by Mussitate when he insulted Reagan.

Yes, in a Court of Law, that would constitute an attack, and geomac you have made another attack on Ray in your recent post. Ray is guilty of NOTHING. We all know how outspoken he is and has no  problems telling it as it is.

You owe him an apology, but since you wouldn't do that, may I remind you, you used the very same words to Pete on many occasions, when he challenged you.

You seem to have a problem with choosing your words, and believe me if I had to match YOUR WIT against Ray's or your INTELLECT against Ray's - he would win hands down.

It seems to me you are affronted because your post was challenged, well let me tell you geomac, if you wish the words you use to go unchallenged, you'd better know what you are talking about and be sure of the meanings before you insult others.




I have to agree with Geomac. It is pretty clear that Ray distorted what was said. Don't know why his family have to rush to his defence to try and explain the indefensible.

Of course you would say that, waiting for the rest of your "family" to arrive with their explanations too.


Ray unable to post his own reply ? You feel he is not up to the task and so take up his defence ? Mind your own business or you are giving strength to the assertion of the thread by Ken. The GP mob trying to take over.

If Ray can give a valid reason why he dishonestly posted just part of the quote he can do so himself. Until then he is guilty of being dishonest in his posting of my comment. Actually he is guilty anyway because he chose to only copy part of the comment to suit his false premise. Perry Mason could not help him with that one, diminished mental state maybe ?

I believe Ray has said openly on the forum he has taken leave and I doubt whether he has been sitting on the edge of his chair waiting for a post from you geomac.

I applaud Ray for ignoring you and not getting embroiled anymore in this charade, and I am going to do the same.

There are better things in life than to sit here arguing with a couple of ignoramuses. You and Gerry can keep this up all night, with the help of your other friends, a good way to  get your adrenaline pumping eh!!

Just like "moron", "ignoramuses" is a personal attack of the most unarguable kind.

Hope you all enjoy believing and delivering your BS for evermore, I'm outa this political forum.


"BS" is a personal attack.

If your recent abuse is the best you can do, we are better off without you. here.

Oh dear banjo going with Ray (who says he is leaving often)



see you in a few minutes LMAO

Based on past performace, there's every chance you're right Gerry.

So far this evening I've been called a moron, an ignoramus, a person of low intelligence, and a knob-head, all from people claiming they want this to be a nice place.

Go figure.

Do whatever you like Banjo except butt in when its none of your business. Unless you are also Ray then my post to Ray does not need your input. I addressed my post to Ray not to all concerned and that post was to point out the dishonest partial copy of my comment. Did you influence Ray to leave off the full comment Banjo ? If the answer is no then leave it to the perpetrator to answer my post or to ignore it if he chooses to.

Whats that song from decades ago ? We belong   to a mutuaaal appreciation   socie ty , my banjo and me err my baby and me. Must be a show tune, Pyjama game ?

It's "We belong to a Mutual Admiration Society" from Happy Hunting.

Nice post Geomac.

Barak, you said a few minutes ago:-

"If a poster say "All Muslims are terrorists", it might be their opinion, but it's clearly wrong, and probably based on ignorance and bigotry."

This is obviously aimed at me.  BUT, if you bother to read what I said on the subject, You will see that I stated quite clearly, the opposite.   "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims".  That statement is clearly correct & is based on fact, not Racism, ignorance or bigotry.  We even have a special Middle Eastern Police Squad, created to try & control the area from Granville to Merrylands.

No innes, it wasn't directed at you.

It wasn't directed at anyone currently active here.

There are a lot of people that are currently not active on the Forum ???

But Banjo said

I'm outa this political forum

Is this who you are refering to ???

I actually don't have a particular person in mind. It was purely a hypothetical example.

So, you were actually calling non existing, make believe members ignorant bigots.  I almost forgot how the noun "moron" came up.

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