How much money can i have before they take my Disability Pension away ?

How much money can i have in my bank account before it affects my disability pension?  what if i wanted to put a lump sum amount into my account, how much could i put in without it affecting my pension?....& would i have to tell centerlink were the money came form?

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agree with you Cats...spend the darn money and enjoy it...others will if you don't.

haha yeah the kids will if I don't.

If you are under 65, you may be able to put it into a Superannuation Fund ?

this also may be of interest to some

" You must satisfy a work test when making super contributions on or after the age of 65. You must work 40 hours in a 30-day period in the financial year in which you plan to contribute. I explain the contribution rules in more detail in the SuperGuide article, Superannuation contributions: Wearing two caps for 2016/2017 year.

Note: Anyone aged 75 years or over cannot make voluntary super contributions, although an employer can make compulsory super contributions for an employee aged 75 years or older (for more information about ageless Superannuation Guarantee contributions see SuperGuide article SG contributions paid for over-70s (since July 2013), and for the ban on voluntary contributions beyond age 74, see SuperGuide article Super contributions beyond the age of 75.

Bring-forward rule not available for over-65s

If an individual is under the age of 65, he or she can also take advantage of the ‘bring forward’ rules when making non-concessional (after-tax) contributions. The ‘bring forward’ rule allows you to make up to two years’ worth of non-concessional contributions in advance. For the 2016/2017 year, an individual under the age of 65 can make $540,000 in non-concessional contributions representing his or her cap for this year, and the next two years."

Yes Radish

As you rightly bring it to our attention ... The Australian Superannuation is nothing but a hodgepodge of Ageist Discrinmination Policies.

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